nesting females

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ITEC Conservation Programs
After recording vital biometric data on nesting females, such as turtle size, clutch size, nest location, etc., metal tags will be attached to ...

Southeastern Arizona Bird Observatory Field Trip Photo Album: Miller Canyon and Beatty's Guest Ranch
Canyon in mid-June of 2003. Worn tail feathers typical of nesting females solved the mystery of the bird's sex, but the location ... male later spotted in the company of the first and two females that appeared later still! Many other unusual to unprecedented strays were ... rainy season and early fall. In May and June, the coppery brown females give birth to litters that may number more than a dozen ( ...

Turtles as an "endangered species". According to the IUCN, the annual number of Green Turtle nesting females in the entire Mediterranean could be as low as 325-375. THE PROBLEM Akamas faces ... village. The operation of a new huge hotel complex at Asprokremmos, (Anassa Beach) overlooking turtle nesting sites. Pressure, by businessman Mr. Photiades, for the construction of another huge hotel complex ...

CRESLI Loggerhead sea turtle page
Maryland in the US. Although they are still quite numerous, their nesting range has diminished as man has invaded coastal areas for housing and recreation. Several large nesting beaches in Florida and the Carolinas can still be found, and attempts by local residents to patrol beaches to protect nesting females and hatchlings are paying off ...

CRESLI Leatherback sea turtle page
This decline is attributed to a number of factors including loss of nesting habitats, destruction of nests by poachers, ingestion of marine debris, propeller wounds and interactions with ... (with the exception of nesting females) spend their lives at sea. CRESLI is actively involved in studying and protecting Leatherbacks in NY's coastal waters and on nesting beaches in Costa Rica and ... More from this site

Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) Conservation
(Caribbean Conservation ...

Males approach any female turtle, and occasionally logs, and scuba divers who resemble the females! Several males compete for the same female. ... still occur, numbers have decreased dramatically, mainly through poaching, to only a few thousand nesting females. In other areas numbers have dwindled to the point where arribadas no longer occur ...

Males approach any female turtle, and occasionally logs, and scuba divers who resemble the females! Several males compete for the same female. ... still occur, numbers have decreased dramatically, mainly through poaching, to only a few thousand nesting females. In other areas numbers have dwindled to the point where arribadas no longer occur ... More from this site

KTTC: You Can Help Ontario's Turtles
Help turtles cross the street: Nesting females use their long-term memory to find the same nesting site year after year. They will take ... of the water. If they are disturbed they may leave the nesting site without laying their eggs. They may return another day to ... Give the babies a chance: If female turtle makes it to her nesting site and successfully deposits her eggs, her offspring have a 1% ...

KTTC: Roadkill: The Threat
Many of the turtles being killed are nesting females The adult female is extremely important to the survival of the population. Dr. Ron Brooks ... More from this site

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