lays her eggs

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IUCN/SSC Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG)/Features
Consequently, where the female digs her nest and when she lays her eggs have major effects on the sex ratio of her offspring. The critical temperature varies among species but ... rainforest where direct solar radiation hardly contributes to nest temperatures, and this crocodile keeps her eggs warm by selecting a nesting site beside a termite mound (which produce a certain ...

Hop to It - Irish Frog Survey - Frog Facts from Around the World
After the eggs are fertilised the parents leave the nest in which the tadpoles can ... lays her eggs in a bromeliad plant which has become filled with water. As the tadpoles grow and develop, she returns periodically to lay more eggs ... of Australia lives in the mountains. It lays its eggs in moss and the tadpoles stay in the eggs until rain washes them into streams. * ...

Hop to It - Irish Frog Survey - FAQ's About Frogs
Simultaneously the male releases his sperm into the water and on to the eggs in order to fertilise them. The fertilised eggs ... then rises to the top of the water. How large are frogs eggs? Frog eggs are approximately 2-3mm in diameter, and a frog can ... life history is shown in a few species. For instance, Gasterotheca eggs are laid in a brood pouch on the female's back. ... More from this site

Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) Conservation
A female will often mate with several males so when she lays her eggs, there will be several different ... with about 100 eggs. Once the female lays her eggs, she returns to the sea and never has any contact with her offspring (Biological Resources Division, 1996). The incubation period for the eggs usually lasts 50 ...

Fastest In the Ocean
After a female sailfish lays her eggs they hatch 36 hours later! They are also a fast growing species, where a hatchling ...

Dragonflies and Damselfies in Kansas
Males of some other species will guard the airspace around a female they have mated in an attempt to prevent other males from mating with her. The method of egg-laying is quite variable. Some species dab their eggs one at a time ...

She can lay over 1,500 eggs per day and will ... the hive is called the brood comb, and that is where the queen lays her eggs. Flower nectar is one of two food sources used by honeybees. The ... build her nest. After preparing a brood chamber, she gathers pollen and nectar until she has enough to feed a larva to adulthood. Then she lays ... More from this site

Blackbird,Icterinae, Damage Control and Management Information by Richard Dolbeer
Biology The diet is omnivorous: insects, aquatic organisms, eggs from nesting birds, fruits, and grains. ... close association with livestock. The female cowbird (lower) lays her eggs in the nests of other birds. Range ... eggs; the female lays her eggs in nests of other songbirds, the only North American songbird to do so. Females deposit 1 or sometimes 2 eggs per host nest, laying up to 25 or more eggs ...

Leatherback News
Taking part in an ancient ritual Sarah Miller-Davenport Published November 28, 2004 in the St. Petersburg Times Giant leatherback sea turtles have laid their eggs on beaches ... Grande in Costa Rica collect data on a nesting leatherback turtle. The eggs are gathered and moved if the turtle lays her eggs below the high tide line, where they may become inundated with ...

Alaska Brown Grizzly Kodiak Bears of Kodiak Island
The eggs are immediately fertilized by the male. After spawning, both males and females die within a couple of weeks. Mid-winter the salmon eggs ...

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