Results 1 - 5 from 5 for navigability law in 0.290 sec.
National Rivers: River navigability law, river access, river rights,
river conservation, canoeing, kayaking, rafting, paddling, whitewater,
fly-fishing, river trips.
National Rivers: River navigability law, river access, river rights, river conservation, canoeing, kayaking, rafting, paddling, whitewater, fly-fishing, river trips. ... recreation. Public Ownership of Rivers in the United States, a guide to understanding river ownership law. Who owns the rivers? Answers to frequently asked questions, explaining who owns rivers, what things ...
River Law: Fact and fiction, about navigability law, river access,
river rights, river conservation, river ownership, canoeing, kayaking, rafting,
paddling, whitewater, and fly-fishing.
Law: Fact and fiction, about navigability law, river access, river rights, river conservation, river ownership, canoeing, kayaking, rafting, paddling, whitewater, and fly-fishing. River Law: Fact and Fiction Common misconceptions about river law ... has repeatedly ruled that "rivers that are anvigable in fact are navigable in law." If a river is physically navigable, it is legally navigable. No court ...
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National Rivers, Rivers of New Hampshire: Webmaster
U.S. Supreme Court decisions in recent years have recognized the navigability, (and the public ownership,) of many rivers across the country that people previously assumed were ... know what the current problems are, what the relevant river law is, and how to dialog with politicians and officials, using the law, to help conserve rivers in New Hampshire and ensure ...
National Rivers: New Jersey River Law, on river
conservation, river access, paddling, canoeing, kayaking,
rafting, fly-fishing, and New Jersey river ownership.
The situation gets confusing when a state agency or commission holds hearings about navigability and public use of rivers. Landowners, sheriffs, and other people tend to think that ... But these are matters of federal law which state agencies cannot change. State agencies should make provisional determinations that various rivers meet the federal test of navigability for title purposes. These ...
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River Basin Center: Upper Altamaha Initiative
In theory, Georgia law also allows landowners to band together to prohibit recreational use of the river. Furthermore, Georgia ...
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