Results 1 - 10 from 10 for legally navigable in 0.575 sec.
National Rivers: Thrills and dreams about moving water, canoeing,
kayaking, rafting, paddling, whitewater, fly-fishing, river trips, and
wilderness rivers.
U.S. Supreme Court decisions have declared that rivers that are physically navigable, even by small recreational watercraft, are legally navigable and are public land up to ordinary high water line. They are ...
National Rivers: Colorado River Law, on river conservation, river
access, paddling, canoeing, kayaking, rafting, fly-fishing, and Colorado
river ownership.
Such a river is legally navigable even if it contains big rapids, waterfalls, and other obstructions at which boaters get out ... can legally be limited, or prohibited, in various areas. Motorized trips and commercial trips can legally be limited or prohibited by state governments. State and local restrictions on use of navigable rivers ...
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National Rivers: New Jersey River Law, on river
conservation, river access, paddling, canoeing, kayaking,
rafting, fly-fishing, and New Jersey river ownership.
Such a river is legally navigable even if it contains big rapids, waterfalls, and other obstructions at which boaters get out ... can legally be limited, or prohibited, in various areas. Motorized trips and commercial trips can legally be limited or prohibited by state governments. State and local restrictions on use of navigable rivers ...
Parks in the Great Lakes Region
Ellis Island. Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor National Park Service The Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor covers 524 miles in Upstate New York, including four navigable ...
Historic Sites in the Great Lakes Region
Ellis Island. Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor National Park Service The Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor covers 524 miles in Upstate New York, including four navigable ...
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U.S. Fish & Wildlife in particular) would not (and legally could not) sign any settlements until after the Record of Decision is complete on the ... fish passages around barriers on rivers and streams. Will specifically address public rights issues on navigable waters with fish passages and describe cost-share programs. Also, info. on factors to consider ...
Section Reporter - March 2006 -
Status: Petitions denied January 31, 2006. Jonesville Properties ... do not abut a navigable river. Here, the wetlands are drained by a ditch into a non-navigable creek that runs into a non-navigable river and then into a navigable river. The Seventh ...
Ministry of Environment - Water Stewardship Division - Water Act, Section 8 "Short Term Use of Water"
Navigable Waters Protection Act . The information on this web page is provided to assist you in determining what type of authority is required for you to carry out your proposed activity legally ...
Amazon Conservation Team: ACT Update July 2007
Xingu Indigenous park as the area is rich in navigable waterways, offering an excellent way to cover vast stretches of land quickly. Back to Top ... areas. This often leads to the creation of "paper parks" or land which has been legally designated for preservation but has no significant management plans or resources in place to enforce ...
Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council Newsletter
Lakes). Because some of our state's most valuable wetlands are found adjacent to federally navigable waters, a policy guidance which would allow developers to mitigate for coastal wetland loss with ... add up to protected wetlands Governor Granholm and The Nature Conservancy recently announced that a legally binding purchase and sale agreement had been reached with The Forestland Group, LLC, to protect ...
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