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ETI BioInformatics - Addresses
Russia fax: +7-812-552301 e-mail: ETI Uruguay Dr. Silvia Mendez Officina de Montevideo Av. Brazil 2697, Casilla de correo 859 11000 Montevideo Uruguay fax: +598 2772140 e-mail: Ordering products ETI Information ...
PEFC - Sociedad de Productores Forestales del Uruguay
PEFC - Sociedad de Productores Forestales del Uruguay Promoting Sustainable Forest Management PEFC/01-00-01 Home Did You Know? SiteMap Glossary Contact ... members & schemes Uruguay SPF Sociedad de Productores Forestales del Uruguay Mr Edgardo Cardozo Phone +598 2 401 1441 Av. 18 de Julio 1474 of. 701 11200 Montevideo Uruguay Link http ...
Grassland Conservancy Funds Student Grant Programs Throughout Latin America
Argentina. URUGUAY AVES – Pecho Colorado Mediano Adrián Azpiroz, Ph.D. Candidate Candidato a Doctorado Adrián, un estudiante graduado de la Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay, está estudiando el estado y distribución del Pecho Colorado Mediano (Sturnella defillippi) en el norte de Uruguay. El proyecto de Adrián ...
Grassland Conservancy Funds Student Grant Programs Throughout Latin America
Buenos Aires, Argentina. URUGUAY BIRDS – Pampas Meadowlark Adrián Azpiroz, Ph.D. Candidate Adrián, a graduate from Universidad de la Republica, Montevideo, Uruguay, is studying the status and distribution of Pampas Meadowlark (Sturnella defillippi) in northern Uruguay. Adrián’s project will provide valuable ...
IDRC's Regional Offices: International Development Research Centre
Country profiles IDRC's projects circle the globe, from Afghanistan to Algeria, Uganda to Uruguay. Read in-depth profiles about key IDRC activities in more than 55 countries. IDRC' ... Singapore which serves Southeast and East Asia. Latin America and the Caribbean Located in Montevideo, Uruguay, our regional office coordinates activities in 49 countries throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. ...
Contact Information: International Development Research Centre
Caribbean Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean Avenida Brasil 2655, 11300 Montevideo, Uruguay Phone: (+598-2) 709-0042 Fax: (+598-2) 708-6776 Email: ...
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IISDRS - Meetings covered in 2006
Latin American Region: Renewable Energy as a Viable Alternative" 26-27 September 2006, Montevideo, Uruguay OCTOBER 2006 Fifty-fourth meeting of the Standing Committee 2-6 October 2006, Geneva, Switzerland ...
IISD Linkages - Your Meeting Bulletin Archives
Latin American Region: Renewable Energy as a Viable Alternative" 26-27 September 2006, Montevideo, Uruguay First International Conference on the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) in Saudi Arabia & Roundtable on Carbon ...
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GRAIN | Biodiversidad
Publications > Biodiversidad Print Biodiversidad. Es una revista trimestral independiente latinoamericana, imprimió en Uruguay, Chile, Argentina, Ecuador, Colombia y México a partir del trabajo ... Magda Lanuza - Nicaragua, Silvia Ribeiro - Uruguay, Silvia Rodríguez - Costa Rica Para comunicarse con los editores: REDES-AT, San José 1423, 11200 Montevideo, Uruguay, Tels.: (598 2) 902 2355 ...
It was the meddling British who used their cartographic skills to delineate the country that would become Uruguay in the early 19th century, as a buffer zone between the two regional giants, Argentina and Brazil. The result was a country stuck in the shad
The remnants of these glory days are etched into the streets of the capital, Montevideo, where crumbling neoclassical townhouses line the streets, reminding inhabitants of the opulence of days ... In 1973 the military took control. Twelve years of repressive social policies ensued, during which Uruguay accumulated the largest number of political prisoners per capita in the world. Torture often ...
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