Results 1 - 10 from 465 for west and central africa in 0.239 sec.
Does decentralisation
harm the poor? Lessons from forestry in Indonesia, and West and Central Africa
West and Central Africa Wednesday 27 March, 2002 Meeting summary: Rethinking 'good governance'(4) Bad governance: can global environmental policy make a difference? Organised by the ODI Forest Policy and ... International Tropical Timber Organisation (ITTO) (an agreement between the main commercial producers and buyers, and a powerful lobby); the WTO (which affects forests as it does other ...
Chimpanzee Central - The Jane Goodall Institute's Chimpanzee Resource
Contribute Chimpanzee Links Chimpanzee Guardian Chimpanzee Central How should we relate to beings who look into mirrors and see themselves as individuals, who mourn companions and may die of grief, who ... . At the turn of the last century, chimpanzees were living in 25 countries across West and Central Africa numbering around one million. Today their total number has dwindled to less than 200, ...
EJF: Subsidies and Cotton
United States are three times as high as those in West Africa, yet the subsidies paid to cotton farmers in the EU and the US provide them with a price two to three ... . In West and Central Africa, more than 10 million people depend on cotton production for their livelihoods, with many more indirectly affected. In addition, cotton is a major source of foreign exchange and government revenue ...
Friends of Washoe: Action Alerts and Current Information
Great apes -- gorillas, chimpanzees, and bonobos -- are being hunted to extinction for commercial bushmeat in the equatorial forests of west and central Africa. A ragged farflung army of 2,000 bushmeat hunters supported by the timber industry infrastructure will illegally shoot and butcher over 3,000 gorillas and 4, ...
GEO-2000: Technical and Regional Reports
Environment and energy in Europe and Central Asia 1990 - 2010 (PDF format, 360 KB) The Conservation and Sustainable Use of Forests in Latin America Land and Water Resources in Arab African Countries Reducing Air Pollution in Asia and the Pacific Resource Use in North America West and Central Africa Water Resource Management in West ...
GEO-2000: Technical and Regional Reports
Environment and energy in Europe and Central Asia 1990 - 2010 (PDF format, 360 KB) The Conservation and Sustainable Use of Forests in Latin America Land and Water Resources in Arab African Countries Reducing Air Pollution in Asia and the Pacific Resource Use in North America West and Central Africa Water Resource Management in West ...
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IFOAM | IFOAM Africa Office
Organic Agriculture as a development option for Africa, the OSEA project for developing national organic standards, local and regional markets, and regional private and public cooperation, the FAO project for West and Central Africa on Organic Agriculture and ...
IFOAM | The IFOAM Africa Office Project
Africa” The FAO project “Increasing incomes and food security of small farmers in West and Central Africa through export of organic and ...
More from this site
The Jane Goodall Institute - Africa Programs
GET INVOLVED! Educate yourself about the bushmeat trade and keep informed about emerging activities involving local and national communities supporting biodiversity conservation in West and Central Africa ...
Red Cross Red Crescent - News from Africa
West and Central Africa: flood alert confirmed - News story 31/07/2008 IFRC launches 21 million Swiss francs HIV/AIDS programme for five countries in West and Central Africa - Press release 22/07/2008 International Federation launches emergency appeal for floods preparedness in West and Central Africa - Press release 11/07/2008 ...
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