mentions asbestos

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Results 1 - 3 from 3 for mentions asbestos in 0.234 sec.

Ancient Uses of Asbestos
When soiled, the napkins were cleansed by being put into the fire. Pliny mentions asbestos (Natural History, 139): "Asbestos looks like alum and is completely fire-proof; it also resists all magic ... visited Persia during the Renaissance--also mentions asbestos. From it, he writes, were made the "famous everlasting lamps and tapers. The stone is called asbestos, ie unextinguishable; but the linen or ...

Fluoride: Commie Plot or Capitalist Ploy
But fluoride has another side the government never mentions. It is a toxic industrial pollutant; one of the oldest and biggest of them all ... the National Cancer Institute. And there's good reason to worry about the few, like asbestos and DES. that do prove positive, says the NCI brochure March 1990. 64. U.S ...

Legend of the Diamond Valley
This legend from the Father of History, of course, never mentions the word 'diamond'. The story itself, though, should be familiar ... sent in 1259 to the Mongol Hulagu, king of Persia, also mentions the story in his diary. He links it to the diamond ... Roman Orient, and likewise the curious tales connected with them. If asbestos came from that direction, our first impression in the matter is ...