Results 1 - 3 from 3 for everlasting lamps in 0.182 sec.
Ancient Uses of Asbestos
This same stone wool is the asbestos cloth later called amianthus: the tapers of everlasting lamps. Medieval writers mentioned it; they said that when the Persians in ancient times burned the ... , he writes, were made the "famous everlasting lamps and tapers. The stone is called asbestos, ie unextinguishable; but the linen or stuff amianthus: some of which lamps have (as historians say) burnt 1 ...
1250-1050 BC -- An Example of an Historical Cycle
Aegean scripts used in continental Greece and at Crete fell into everlasting oblivion. This is the only known case in all of history in which an entire ... civilization had collapsed so much that the mason's craft was no longer in use, lamps ceased to be manufactured, gold disappeared, and even the elaborate style of dress they had ...
The Fire-temple at Baku
Russia. John Hanway, An Account of British Trade over the Caspian Sea, 1754: The Everlasting Fire lies about ten miles NE by E off the city of Baku, on a ... smells bad, and only pure people burn it to heat their houses, to light their lamps or boil their food; to solidify it for burning, they mix the naphtha with dirt ...