maintain competition

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Results 1 - 10 from 260 for maintain competition in 0.299 sec.

New Rules Project - Agriculture - Packers and Stockyards Acts
Concentration caps have been proposed to automatically bring action to maintain competition if one firm controls a certain percentage of the market. Minnesota passed ... certain level of industry concentration, anti-competitive practices are unavoidable, and action to maintain competition must therefore follow immediately. The Committee found that Germany had a rule ...

International Botanical Congress Statement on Biodiversity
About 30 percent of the world's 300,000 plant species are ... of species in nature. 5. At the national level in every country around the world, maintain an active census of the condition of the country's plants, so that it will ...

Fritz Hull - A New Spirit Of Hope
And it's almost an impossible task to maintain the organizational life of these institutions and be creative. There's an emerging planetary spirituality ... of all life. The danger would be in falling back into patterns of rivalry and competition and assumed superiority, born of feelings of inadequacy. We must require of ourselves a heightened ...

William N. Ellis - Governance
Leaders within each nation-state gain control through some competition that eliminates opposition. Once in power, and in order to maintain power, they must strive to maximize their nation's ... The natural political system was one of cooperation, consensus and confederation, rather than one of competition, confrontation, and struggle for power. Variations on this theme were well known in Africa ... More from this site

Equity Watch - Global Environmental Government Unit - Centre for Science and Environment (CSE)
US economy. And it is for this reason that he would like to target competition from India and China. Pronk tries to resolve 'crunch issues' In June 2001, Pronk came ... case of countries, which can increase their emissions over base year levels or have to maintain at those levels, this limit is fixed at 2.5 per cent of emissions in ...

November 23, 2001: World Grain Harvest Falling Short by 54 Million Tons
This may be, but it is hard to win a water war. The competition for water is more likely to take place in world grain markets. In recent years ... another large harvest shortfall, it will likely have to import substantial quantities of grain to maintain food price stability. China, with a population equal to that of India and the United ...

Starker Lecture Series - Oregon State University
Still, intensively managed plantations in other countries grow faster and entail lower costs, so have dramatically intensified competition. Robert Flynn of ...

Student Paper Competition | Natural Hazards Center
Awards Overview Mary Fran Myers Award Mary Fran Myers Scholarship Student Paper Competition PERISHIP Awards Paper Competition Information Example Paper Topics: floods/floodplain management, Hurricane Katrina, earthquakes, climate ... of resources and references on a topic. Academic Integrity In an effort to maintain the academic integrity of this program, plagiarism (portrayl of another's work or ...

Department of Energy - University of Maryland Outshines Competition in the Lighting Contest at Department of Energy’s Solar Decathlon
News > Press Releases > October - December 2007 Printer-Friendly October 17, 2007 University of Maryland Outshines Competition in the Lighting Contest at Department of Energy’s Solar Decathlon WASHINGTON, DC – ... “Lighting the homes on the National Mall with solar energy proves that Americans can maintain the highest quality in their homes while being energy efficient.” The University of ...

Line-Voltage Socket Design Competition | Lighting Transformations | Programs | LRC
NLPIP Program PEARL Program Sponsors Site map Line-Voltage Socket Design Competition Line-voltage Socket Design Competition The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the American Lighting Association ... condition of entry, the winning socket design must maintain an open protocol and be made available to the public after the competition without any royalties. In October 2004, entries ...

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