Results 1 - 10 from 141 for grain prices in 0.314 sec.
Eco-Economy Indicators: GRAIN HARVEST - Earth Policy Institute Resources on Food and Agriculture
World carryover stocks of grain, the amount in the bin when the next harvest begins, are the most basic measure of food security. Whenever stocks drop below 60 days of consumption, prices ... prices will be up by 14 percent and corn prices up by 22 percent over last year’s. MORE... Key Data: Figure 1: World Grain ...
July 13, 2006: Supermarkets and Service Stations Now Competing for Grain
The only question is when food prices will rise and by how much. Indeed, in recent months, wheat and corn prices have risen by one ... import grain, such as Indonesia, Egypt, Nigeria, and Mexico. This instability could in turn disrupt global economic progress. If ethanol distillery demand for grain continues its explosive growth, driving grain prices to ...
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Emergency Management Postings
Livestock prices continue to be far lower than average, while grain prices in markets across the country tend to be higher than ... insecurity is hitting Panama's indigenous Guaymi population affected by the collapse of international coffee prices. According to press reports, Panama's government has responded to the crisis through food ...
iNSnet - internetwork for sustainability, sustainable development
United Kingdom British GMO Protests Highlight Global Divide As food prices rise, more countries are turning to genetically modified crops for agricultural assistance. In July, ... time in three and a half years, the impact of bio-fuel production on food grain prices is under scrutiny in the country. Recently Ind ...continue... 2008-08-03 - energy - European Union ...
ACTION ALERT: Save Nutrition & Conservation Funding by Sept. 16
Grain prices are usually driven down due to the overproduction contributing to the lack of meaningful payment limits for commodity crops. Artificially low market grain prices act as a subsidy ...
cellulosic ethanol blog
However, recent increases in grain prices mean that production costs are now similar for grain ethanol ... to manufacture ethanol, but to generate electricity directly. High oil prices fuel bioenergy push(5/9/2006) High oil prices and growing concerns over climate change are driving investment and ...
automobiles blog
However, recent increases in grain prices mean that production costs are now similar for grain ethanol ... dioxide emissions and global energy concerns. SUV sales plummet, high gas prices cited(10/4/2005) High gas prices caused American consumers to spurn sport-utility vehicles in September. Further, ...
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Mark Lynas, Global Warming Information, Facts, News, Photos -- National Geographic
Lynas cites probable human consequences: "Food shortages will send grain prices soaring; refugees will flee into enemy territories; shrinking water supplies will trigger water wars; oceans ...
China as an Emerging Nation by Lindsey Grant
The established industrial regions, other than Japan, are net exporters of grain, but the newly emerging nations are major and growing importers. Asia, Africa and Latin America ... kept records. Experts warn that a crop failure in a major nation would be catastrophic. Grain prices are rising. In those circumstances, food aid is drying up despite pleas from the FAO ...
GRAIN | Resources | Agrofuels | Agrofuels
GRAIN documents April 2008 - Agrofuels in India, private unlimited Responding enthusiastically to the world agrofuel ... Food, People and Planet - Pat Mooney of Canada describes the disaster of rising food prices and how it is connected to the environmental destruction and social choas brought by ...
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