Results 1 - 10 from 22 for lynx felis in 1.377 sec.
Big Cat? Small Cat? What defines one from the other?
Felis nigripes Africa Bobcat Felis rufus North America Canadian Lynx Felis canadensis Europe Caracal Felis caracal Africa, Asia Chinese Desert Cat Felis bieti Asia Domestic Cat Felis catus Worldwide Eurasian (Northern) Lynx Felis lynx Europe, Asia, North America Fishing Cat Felis ...
ASM | Mammals of Illinois
Occupies hollow trees, tree foliage, caves, mines, rock crevices, and buildings. CARNIVORA Felidae Bobcat Lynx rufus common statewide 819, 1293 563 Lives in a wide array of habitats ... Mountain lion Puma concolor extirpated, endangered once was statewide 275, 276, 586(C) 200 (as Felis concolor) Probably occurred in all habitats, especially remote upland woodlands, rough terrain, and bottomland ...
ASM | Mammals of California
Feral cat Felis silvestris Common, Introduced Statewide Mountain lion Puma concolor 1 ssp Special Concern Statewide exc desert, central valley 275, 276, 586 200 Jaguar Panthera onca Extirpated 340 Bobcat Lynx rufus ...
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ASM | Mammals of North Dakota
Y), 582 537 may have been introduced Felidae Mountain lion Felis concolor extirpated 275, 276, 586(C) 200 possible Lynx Lynx lynx uncommon-common statewide 1046 269 prefers boreal and montane forests, but disperse onto plains during high population eruptions Bobcat Lynx rufus uncommon statewide 819, ...
ASM | Mammals of Ohio
Mountain lion Felis concolor extirpated statewide 275, 276, 586(C) 200 largest range of any mammal in North America Bobcat Lynx rufus endangered statewide 819 tufts of hair on ears Lynx Lynx lynx extirpated statewide ...
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Mammal Species Listed Under the Endangered Species Act (ESA)
E Jaguar (Panthera onca) E Jaguarundi, Gulf Coast [Herpailurus (=Felis) yagouaroundi cacomitli] E Jaguarundi, Sinaloan [Herpailurus (=Felis) yagouaroundi tolteca] E Kangaroo rat, Fresno (Dipodomys nitratoides ... stephensi (incl. D. cascus)] E Kangaroo rat, Tipton (Dipodomys nitratoides nitratoides) T Lynx, Canada (Lynx canadensis) E Manatee, West Indian (Trichechus manatus) E Mountain Beaver, Point ...
Georgia Wildlife Federation
Spilogale putorius River Otter Lutra canadensis Cats (Family Felidae) Mountain Lion Felis concolor couguar endangered Florida Panther Felis concolor coryi endangered Bobcat Lynx rufus Seal (Family Phocidae) Hooded Seal Cystophora cristata Manatee Order ...
Asian Golden Cat,Asian Golden Wild Cat,Wild Golden Cat of Asia
Cat Jaguar Jaguarundi Jungle Cat Kodkod Leopard Leopard Cat Lion Little Spotted Cat Lynx, Eurasian Lynx, Canadian Lynx, Spanish Marbled Cat Margay Ocelot Pallas Cat Pampas Cat Panthar Rusty-Spotted Cat ... cat will protect the bearer from tigers. Zoological name: Catopuma temminckii , or Profelis temminckii , or Felis temminckii. Species: Catopuma, along with the Bornean bay cat which is said to be ...
Lynx Spanish,Jungle Lynx Spanish Cat,Spanish Lynx Cat in Jungle
Lynx, Spanish The Spanish Lynx (Lynx pardinus, sometimes Felis pardina) or Iberian Lynx is sometimes classified as a subspecies of the Eurasian Lynx, but most authorities regard it as a separate species. While the Eurasian Lynx ...
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Project Wildlife: Living with Bobcats
Bobcats Living With Bobcats Bobcats There are two species of lynx in North America: the common lynx (Felis lynx) and the red lynx (Felis rufus), otherwise known as the bobcat. Lynxes and bobcats are also ...
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