Results 1 - 10 from 140 for lynn white in 0.258 sec.
Religion and the Environment Introduction
Lynn White, Jr. was published in the technical journal Science. The paper, titled The Historical Roots of ... , contributed to individuals being more concerned with the protection of the environment, rather than less. White was proved partly correct in blaming the dominion theory in the Old Testament for environmental ...
Deep Ecology
Norwegian philosopher and mountaineer, coined the term "deep ecology". In 1967, American historian Prof Lynn White had espoused similar views in his highly influential article, "The Historical Roots of Our ... profound changes to modern culture in order to address the current environmental crisis. Prof. White argued that the predominant interpretation of the Bible asserts man's dominion over nature ...
Change of Culture
In “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis”, Prof. Lynn White, seminal environmentalist of the 1960s, wrote, “What people do about their ecology depends on ... deeply conditioned by the beliefs about our nature and destiny—that is, by religion.” White more or less condemned the attitudes of Western Christianity toward nature. However, when discussing ...
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The Ecological Self
He and other deep ecology theorists have traced the historical roots of anthropocentrism,[3] while Lynn White focused particularly on the role Judeo-Christian.[4] We live in a world where only ... ecology section at 4. "The Historical Roots of our Ecological Crisis," Lynn White, 1967, Science 155: 1203-1207. 5. Genesis 9: 2. 6. Hunt, 1988. 7. www.joannamacy ...
Earth Process and the Wish for Human Exemption
Human Exemption by Keith Helmuth Issue #25, Spring 1997, p 14-15 In 1967 Lynn White Jr., historian of technology and Medieval culture, published an essay titled, The Historical Roots of ...
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IMPACT Press: Article: "From Earth Day to Ecological Society" -- April-May '04
Historical Roots of Our Ecological Crisis" (1967), Lynn White grounds the roots of the ecological crisis in Christianity, but clearly the Judeo-Christian worldview–which White fails to note contains many positive views ...
NRDC: OnEarth Magazine, Fall 2006 - The Gospel of Green
American norm, and often infected with the notion spread by the historian Lynn White in his famous 1967 essay, "The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis," that Christianity lay ...
Ecological asceticism: a cultural revolution
The American historian Lynn White was right to attribute the causes of the problem to Christian theology, particularly of the ...
Environmental History Timeline: 1960 - 1970
White House Conservation Conference held. 1962—July 22—“Oil Slick is Shroud for Birds” ( ... sport hunting. By the early 1980s they all opposed sport hunting. (M. Clifton, 2007) 1967 -- Lynn White's essay "Historical roots of our ecological crisis," appears in Science magazine (155: 1203- ...
Eden in the Service of Humanity
Ever since Lynn White Jr. in 1967 attributed "The Historical Roots of Our Ecological Crisis" to the Judeo-Christian ... about for arguments that might take the heat off theologies-in-general, many have confuted White's thesis with the happy thought that Sumerians, Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, Buddhists, Hindus, Taoists, as ...
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