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Faculty and Staff Directory Mailing List mission The Frost Valley YMCA mission is to put Judeo Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all. In ...
Religion and the Environment Introduction
Judeo-Christian doctrine was responsible for man’s failure in caring for the environment. White wrote, "We shall continue to have a worsening ecologic crisis until we reject the Christian ... White's famous paper that the focus of essays and research turned more toward Judeo-Christian religions as the culprits for overlooking environmental degradation. The researchers considered variables such ...
The Ecological Self
Lynn White focused particularly on the role Judeo-Christian.[4] We live in a world where only humans were created in the image of ...
Earth Process and the Wish for Human Exemption
Earth process. These two cultural psychologies, these two transcendent wishes, deeply inform Judeo-Christian tradition and its utopian secular derivatives, such as, Marxism, various socialisms, capitalism, and ... dramatically raised the curtain on the disabling of Earth's biotic environments. The Christian misunderstanding and stigmatization of death is a more difficult problem, with regard to ...
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Jerusalem - the place called holy by 3 major religions (Christian, Jewish, Moslem) -- has a long history of discord and conflict. ... of the unique role of the Jew in the drama of Judeo-Christian history, and because of world sympathies for this people so long ... principle religions that believe in a personal God are the Jewish, Christian and Moslem. They each claim Jerusalem is a holy city ...
IMPACT Press: Article: "From Earth Day to Ecological Society" -- April-May '04
Lynn White grounds the roots of the ecological crisis in Christianity, but clearly the Judeo-Christian worldview–which White fails to note contains many positive views of our relation and responsibilities ...
Greece Tour, The Classical Moment (500-338 BC)
Greece. Along with the Judeo-Christian heritage, classical Greece provided the foundation on which so much that is familiar to us ...
Ecological asceticism: a cultural revolution
Judeo-Christian tradition is the main religious force either historically or actually. The fear of paganism ... the Judeo-Christian tradition where the material world is an indispensable part of the human identity itself. True, a Platonic influence can be easily observed in the history of Christian tradition, ...
Jim Wallis on the Paula Gordon Show
That's appropriate. What is not appropriate, he says, is to say, "This is a Judeo-Christian country so we get to win" or "God spoke to me this morning and I ... Crisis. Yale Law professor, Constitutional expert and conservative Christian Stephen Carter warns of the dangers of mixing politics and religion. In Why the Christian Right is Wrong: A Minister's Manifesto for ...
Mt. Sinai, Egypt
FoundationNonviolent Communication St. Catherine's Monastery, Mt. Sinai, Egypt (Order Fine Art Print) In the Judeo-Christian region of the Middle East there are four primary sacred mountains: Mt Ararat in ... Jebel Musa and the monastery was the Prophet Mohammed. Being well treated by the Orthodox Christian monks, Mohammed gave his personal pledge of protection, which then became incumbent on all ...
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