Results 1 - 10 from 189 for lower teeth in 0.168 sec.
Shark predation 5
Shark predation 5 The upper and lower teeth in the jaws of a Greenland shark.
Ring-tailed Lemur
Like all prosimians, ringtails groom in a rather unique way. They have 6 lower teeth that stick straight out from their jaw, making a sort of comb that the animals ...
Equine Dental Care
While important in the wild, this offset can produce problems in ... lower set. When these "unground surfaces" get large the horse cannot rock his lower jaw laterally as he chews due to his teeth ... teeth The arrow points to hooks formed behind the last molars. These hooks prevent the horse from being able to move his lower ...
Primitively, primate molars were brachydont and tuberculosectorial, but they ... divided into two great groups, the Strepsirhini and the Haplorhini. Strepsirhines have naked noses, lower incisors forming a toothcomb, and no plate separating orbit from temporal fossa. The ...
Indridae : indrisoids, avahis, sifakas and indris
The upper incisors are enlarged, the upper canine is elongate, and the first lower premolar is canine ...
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San Diego Zoo's Animal Bytes: Wild Cattle
Gaur bulls make a pleasant song that gets lower and lower the longer they sing it to get a cow’s attention. Bison cows have a ... insects from biting! Grass on the menu Most cattle are grazers, using their tongues and lower teeth to grab grass and leaves. After the food is swallowed, cattle can bring the partially ...
Interspecies conflict. The Crocodile Challenge Game.
Lower teeth not visible when the jaw is closed. Crocodiles have a narrower, more pointed snout. The 4th tooth of the lower jaw is exposed when the mouth ...
Mine clearance services, security and UXO detection and clearance - MineTech International - 'Dragon's teeth' leave a lethal legacy in Laos
Laos Home Services Experience Information Jobs Contact Us 'Dragon's teeth' leave a lethal legacy in Laos Smaller than your hand and formed with two distinctive ... EOD clearance activities across the construction site which stretches from the Nakai Plateau to the lower Xe Bang Fai river confluence with the Mekong, in the Khammouane and Bolikhamxay provinces in ...
Detailed information on the characteristics of the tiger: Teeth and Tongue
Premolars and molars: Tearing and chewing teeth. The fourth upper premolar and the first lower molar on each side are called the carnassials. These slice meat exactly like blades on a pair of scissors. Adults: As tigers age their teeth ... of milk teeth which are gradually replaced by adult teeth; this process starts at about six months of age. The baby teeth ...
Thylacoleo - Introducing Thylacoleo carnifex (page 2)
Thylacoleo teeth were similar to those present on the teeth of known carnivores but were not like those seen on herbivore teeth. They resolved that the mandibular (lower) teeth retained a stabbing or piercing action, while the maxillary (upper) teeth ...
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