Results 1 - 10 from 93 for upper and lower teeth in 0.252 sec.
Shark predation 5
Shark predation 5 The upper and lower teeth in the jaws of a Greenland shark.
Primitively, primate molars were brachydont and tuberculosectorial, but they have become bunodont and quadrate ... , 3 premolars in upper and lower jaws, anterior upper molars with 3 or 4 major cusps, and are found only in the New World (families Cebidae and Callitrichidae). Catarrhines have ...
Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department
Bigelow and Schroeder (1948) FNWA ·Dentition Ten to twelve rows of teeth are maintained in both jaws of the smalltooth sawfish. The upper and lower jaws have approximately 88-128 and ...
Dolphin Care UK -
Australia and New Zealand are dark purplish-brown with ivory coloured patches. An orca has between 20 and 26 large sharp teeth in both upper and lower jaws; these curve backwards towards the throat and ...
The genus Palaeomastodon
Fossilized remains of Palaeomastodon and Phiomia were found in the Lower Oligocene Gabal Qatrani Formation located in the El Fayoum, Egypt. Caracteristics (Cranium and teeth of Palaeomastodon beadnelli) The lower tusks were ... They were 3 to 6 feet tall and weighted up to 2 tons. Palaeomastodon had a trunk Had long lower jaws Had short upper and lower tusks. Webdesign by Aumpage Network Taxonomy How ...
bottlenose dolphin
Their pointy and sharp teeth are located in elongated upper and lower jaws which undoubtedly gave them ... broad range. They can be found all over the world in coastal areas and inshore waters and in temperate and tropical seas. They are rarely found above 45° in the Northern hemisphere ...
Muskrat, Ondatra zibethicus, control and management
The muskrat has an upper and a lower pair of large, unrooted incisor teeth that are continually sharpened against each other and are well designed for gnawing and cutting vegetation. It has a valvular mouth, which allows the lips to close behind the incisors and ...
Armadillo, Dasypus novemcinctus damage control information
The peglike cheek teeth range in number from seven to nine on each side of the upper and lower jaw. The long tapering tail is encased in 12 bony rings. The track usually appears to be three-toed and ...
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Detailed information on the characteristics of the tiger: Teeth and Tongue
They are able to cut through the tough hide of a buffalo or sambar. Premolars and molars: Tearing and chewing teeth. The fourth upper premolar and the first lower molar on each side are called the carnassials. These slice meat exactly like blades on a pair of scissors. Adults: As tigers age their teeth ...
Man-eaters. The tiger and lion, attacks on humans.
Champawat and many other man-eating tigers and leopards over a thirty-five year ... tigress showed the upper and lower canine teeth on the right side of her mouth were broken -- the upper one in half, the lower one right down to the bone. This permanent injury, Corbett claimed, "had prevented her from killing her natural prey, and ...
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