Results 1 - 10 from 55 for lower stratosphere in 0.389 sec.
CRU Information Sheet no. 13: Volcanoes and their effect on climate
Earth's surface) and, for maximum impact, it should be in lower latitudes. With these conditions met, the particles in the lower stratosphere spread to ... event. Earlier work, from the 1960s onwards, suggested that when eruption clouds reach the lower stratosphere (about 20-25km aloft) the dust spreads around over subsequent months forming a veil ...
Papers - N2O February 2003
Proffitt et al. Nitrous oxide in the Northern Hemisphere lower stratosphere Ghosh et al. Nitrous oxide emission from irrigated rice in North India Liikanen et al ...
Papers - Other GHGs February 2003
NOx emissions from domestic biofuels in Zambia Proffitt et al. Ozone in the Northern Hemisphere lower stratosphere Morris et al. Impact of aircraft exhaust water vapour McCulloch et al. Release of HFC ...
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Ozone Chemistry
The estimated lifetime of HCl in the stratosphere is about 2 years. CH4 and other Hyrogen-containing organics compounds, including HCFC's, can also convert active chlorine to HCl. In the troposphere and lower stratosphere NO, NO2 ...
Publications list for Gillett, N.P
Is Antarctic climate most sensitive to ozone depletion in the middle of or lower stratosphere?” Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L22812, doi:10.1029/2007GL031238 Canadell, J.G., Le ... 302. 273-275 American Association for the Advancement of Science R (keywords: High Latitudes, stratosphere,troposphere, anthropogenic, emissions, models, observations) Baldwin, M.P., Thompson, D.W.J., Shuckburgh, ...
European Ozone Research Coordinating Unit: Previous Workshops
Potsdam, Germany in 2002; and the 'Nitrogen Oxides in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere' in Heidelberg, Germany in 2001.
Science - Ozone Depletion
CFCs are mixed worldwide by the large-scale motions of the atmosphere and survive until, after 1-2 years, they reach the stratosphere ... stratosphere by other processes. The profile above shows how the amount of ozone (O3) varies with height in the atmosphere. Note that most of the ozone is in the lower stratosphere ... depleting ozone in the stratosphere. The figure shows a simplified ...
Science - The Antarctic Ozone Hole
The chlorine is derived from manmade chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) which have migrated to the stratosphere and have been broken down by solar ultraviolet light, freeing chlorine atoms. The ... in warmer surface temperatures, colder temperatures are expected to occur in the stratosphere. In fact, temperatures in the lower stratosphere, as measured by NOAA's Microwave Sounding Unit, have cooled ...
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1-9 Ozone Reactions: Physics and Chemistry of the
Physics and Chemistry of the Stratosphere 1-9: Ozone Reactions: Physics and Chemistry of the Stratosphere 1-9: En Español 1-9: Em Português Importance ... cities and too little in the stratosphere, why can't we just pipe it up from the cities to the lower stratosphere (the level where jet aircraft ... current online discussion Additional Reading Ozone Reactions: Physics and Chemistry of the Stratosphere ...
Climate Prediction Center - Stratosphere: Winter Bulletins
Extremely low temperatures (lower than -78 C) over the Arctic region in the lower stratosphere are linked to depletion of ozone. Temperatures in the lower stratosphere are ... and other ozone destroying chemicals in the lower stratosphere reached peak values around 1997-98, and have remained at high levels. Lower stratosphere ozone destruction is strong when meteorological ...
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