longline hooks

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Welcome to Forest and Bird
New Zealand waters alone. In 2001 one New ... seabirds face the danger of death by drowning on longline hooks. We can influence this deadly outcome. Please act now to ... Fisheries about Mandatory Mitigation Measures (2007) Albatross caught on longline Photo: BirdLife International. Royal Albatross Photo: Tony Palliser/BirdLife ...

Welcome to Forest and Bird
EEZ. Fur seals are also caught on tuna and ling longline hooks. Sea cage salmon farmers have conflicts with fur seals and have tried to remove animals ... More from this site

Albatross Fact Sheet
ONE BILLION longline hooks are set in the ocean. These diagrams show different types of longlines. They both have buoys at the top and have thousands of hooks. How do albatrosses ... world about 300,000 seabirds (including albatross and petrels) are dying on longline hooks every year. In the Southern Oceans longline fishers hunt tuna, ling, snapper, hoki and toothfish. Lawful boats from many ...

Save the Albatross
Species killed in the largest numbers include the Campbell albatross, antipodean albatross, wandering albatross and ... 's surface to keep birds away from baited hooks - is undergoing trials. TAIWAN Taiwan has the largest distant water mid-water longline fleet in the world. In January 2004 ...

WWF - Sustainable fishing: Reducing impacts
They are regularly caught in shrimp trawls and on longline hooks - where, trapped and unable to reach the ocean surface, they usually drown. Off the ... turtles by Pacific Island tuna longline fishers in the 2005 International Smart Gear Competition. The invention involves a simple mechanism to set baited hooks on the longline at depths below 100m. ...

Warrah Issue 15 Highlights
Top Seabird Mortality in Longline Fisheries: A Global Problem Being Addressed By John Cooper Longline Fishing is Focus of Global ConcernIn every ocean of the World, longline fishing vessels set ... the Black-browed Mollymauk Thalassarche melanophrys, large numbers of petrels are killed on hooks, especially the Whitechinned Petrel Procellaria aequinoctialis, by the hake fisheries off southern Africa ...

Falkland Birds Killed by Longline Fisheries The limited number of longliners within the Falklands ... are pressing for the compulsory use of measures to protect albatrosses throughout all longline fisheries and especially the Patagonian Shelf. Seabird Monitoring Programme Falklands Conservation established ...

National Coalition for Marine Conservation's position statements on current fishery management issues such as longline fisheries, offshore aquaculture, marine protected areas and ecosystem-based management
Atlantic swordfish Atlantic billfish Atlantic longline fisheries Atlantic sharks Atlantic menhaden Atlantic dolphin (mahi mahi) Atlantic summer flounder Pacific longline fisheries Marine Protected Areas Ecosystem-based ... goal. Current measures limiting billfish landings, plus measures encouraging the use of circle hooks and live-release of incidentally caught fish, should remain in place until ...

Mar-Eco - The longline experience in the deep
A Greenland shark – largest specimen caught. 440 cm and approximately 700 kg Using 87 500 hooks, fishing to depths ranging from 450 to 4 300 metres, the longline ... a description of a broader size group of fish species occurring along the ridge. The longline catches will be particularly useful in describing the larger predatory species. Collecting and measuring Onboard ...

NCMC Conservation News - NMFS Approves Longline Research in Closed Areas
NMFS APPROVES LONGLINE RESEARCH IN CLOSED AREAS East Florida Coast and Charleston Bump ... of non-offset circle hooks, rather than offset circle hooks as originally proposed by the industry. Finally, half the longline sets will be ... hooks, and will not test the use of shorter sets and soak times. A typical longline set is over 20 miles and hooks ...

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