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Super Scientists - Lise Meitner
Super Scientists - Lise Meitner Lise Meitner (1878 - 1968) Austrian-born Swedish nuclear physicist. Born in Vienna, she worked at the Kaiser- ... Energy Commission, and she worked on an experimental nuclear reactor. More about Lise Meitner Links to other Websites: Lise Meitner - So, who was Lise Meitner? -- Zephyrus, Interactive Education on the Web The Woman Behind the Atomic ...
Super Scientists
Joliot-Curie James Prescott Joule William Thomson (Lord Kelvin) Lewis Howard Latimer John William Mauchly Lise Meitner Alexander Muller Sir Isaac Newton Georg Simon Ohm Sally Ride Nikola Tesla Count Alessandro Volta ...
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Russland, Japan und Deutschland erzeugt. Fußnoten 1 Dritte Mitarbeiterin in diesem Team war die Österreicherin Lise Meitner, die als Jüdin ein halbes Jahr zuvor aus Nazi-Deutschland fliehen musste. 2 Lewis Strauss ...
People and Discoveries | Radiation Protection Program | US EPA
Becquerel Otto Hahn, Lise Meitner, Fritz Strassman Otto Hahn, 1879-1968 was born in Germany and studied chemistry. His research with other scientists, including Lise Meitner and Fritz Strassman, led to the discovery of nuclear fission. Accomplishments by Otto Hahn Accomplishments by Lise Meitner Wilhem Roentgen Wilhem Conrad ...
What's in a name? Much and more. Who and what inspoired the names of the elements
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