pierre curie

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Results 1 - 10 from 15 for pierre curie in 0.215 sec.

Super Scientists - Marie Curie
Curie Marie Curie (1867 - 1934) Original name, Marja Sklodowska. Born in Warsaw, Poland. She studied mathematics, physics and chemistry in Paris, where she met and married Pierre Curie (1859 - 1906). In 1903, she and Pierre ... ; discovered polonium and radium, and isolated radium from pitchblende. She and her husband, Pierre, were awarded the Nobel prize in physics (1903), but she won the prize ...

Super Scientists - Irene Joliot-Curie
Scientists - Irene Joliot-Curie Irene Joliot-Curie (1897-1956) Irene was the daughter of Marie and Pierre Curie. She carried on her parents' research into radioactivity, first helping to establish the use of ... and in 1946 was made director of the Radium Institute. Irene Joliot-Curie Links to other Websites: Irene Joliot-Curie -- Virtual Museum of Virginia Tech Contributions of 20th Century Women to ... More from this site

Atomkraft Facts
Deshalb: Atomkraft? NEIN DANKE! Geschichte der Atomkraft Marie Curie Antoine Henri Becquerel entdeckte 1896 ein Phänomen, das kurz darauf von Marie und Pierre Curie als "Radioaktivität" bezeichnet wurde. Man versteht darunter die Eigenschaft ...

People and Discoveries | Radiation Protection Program | US EPA
Marie and Pierre Cure, Henri Becquerel Otto Hahn, Lise Meitner, Fritz Strassman Wilhem Roentgen Enrico Fermi Marie and Pierre Curie, Henri Becquerel Marie Curie (1867-1934) and Pierre Curie (1859-1906) are perhaps two of the most famous scientists known for their contributions to the study of radioactivity. Pierre ...

History of Radiation Protection | Radiation Protection | US EPA
During the 1800s, Sir Issac Newton had proven his theories on gravity. Marie and Pierre Curie had begun their studies in chemistry and physics, and Dimitri Mendeleev had introduced the periodic ... More from this site

"Ask the Experts" Category: Historical Issues/Applications
Marie Curie die of a radiation overexposure? Q563 – Radium dial painters Q654 – Discovery of gamma rays Q757 – ICRP, John Lawrence, and sterilization Q768 – Nickname for Pierre Curie Q901 – Why are shielding containers called pigs? Q1113 – Is the curie named after Pierre or Marie? Q1131 – HP PhD jobs Q1209 ...

HBOI | Marine Science | Water Column Ecology
Details about topics available on request. Station Zoologique, Universite de Pierre and Marine Curie, France (1988, 2001)* Florida State University University of Bergen, Norway American Society of Limnology ...

IRD - Archives
Sud" Actualités vidéos en ligne, sur Canal IRD : Entretien avec Christian Moretti et Pierre Grenand, à l'occasion de la parution de Pharmacopées traditionnelles en Guyane > NOVEMBRE 2004 : ... des Insectes Nuisibles) La moustiquaire à double imprégnation d'insecticides Prix : - Commission européenne - Marie Curie Excellence Awards 2004 Appel d'offres : 8e appel d'offres du programme CEDRE - ...

IRD - communiqués de presse
Université Paris VI (Pierre et Marie Curie). Ainsi, l’Université Pierre et Marie Curie soutient l’implantation, pour la première fois, d’un campus hors de ... More from this site

Polonium (Po) - Chemical properties, Health and Environmental effects
Energy of first ionisation 813.0 kJ.mol -1 Discovered by Pierre and Marie Curie in 1898 Polonium Polonium is a radioactive, extremely rare semi-metal. It is reactive ...

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