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Greenpeace Foundation: Dolphin Alert
"The ... Dept tuna label VS. Flipper Seal of Approval EII release on dolphin-deadly certification mark Killing Dolphins For Free Trade & WTO ECO commentary on U.S. Dolphin-safe sellout and Organized Crime ...
Greenpeace Foundation: Dolphin Alert
I recommend reading it. - D. White 12/4/99 Killing Dolphins For Free Trade & WTO by David R. Brower, David Phillips, and William Snape Grist readers ... Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) in exchange for an unverifiable international agreement allowing the killing of dolphins in the tuna fishery in perpetuity. Some deal! The resulting legislation was carried by ...
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Dolphin Safe Labeling.
Dolphins. Living in oceans and rivers, dolphins are a living treasure of our blue planet. However their survival is becoming increasingly difficult. Dolphins need clean and quiet oceans ... can make this happen, if the fisheries are made to capture their intended prey without killing dolphins. When you next visit your supermarket, check the label on your intended purchase, if it ...
Dolphin Care UK -
Japan's coastal waters when the annual killing begins. Taiji fishermen used to ... of the fishermen's principal justifications for killing dolphins: That it's a tradition A tradition they are proud of, If they are truly proud of killing dolphins, then why are they so frantic ...
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And we need to stop capturing, exploiting, and killing dolphins for casual amusement. To add to the destruction of nature by capturing dolphins is not going to solve any of our ... Depriving the dolphins of living in accordance with their true nature. 2. Controlling the dolphins with food. For more information on the behaviors of captive dolphins compared with those of dolphins in nature, ...
trawling | Greenpeace UK
Bradshaw continues to refuse to ban this destructive form of fishing. "We've had to take action to stop these boats killing dolphins, because he seems perfectly happy to have dolphins around the UK driven towards extinction." Greenpeace wants the government to investigate which other fishing methods are also killing dolphins ...
SoundNet - Encounters with Dolphins: A Call for Peace Between Species
However, humans have exploited this bond by killing, hurting, harassing, and capturing dolphins ... to the direct violence of killing and the indirect violence of environmental degradation is something all species share. Perhaps a more gracious and selfless love for dolphins can be a catalyst for ...
DOLPHINS --SYNCHRONICITY-- THE DANCE OF THE DOLPHINS. The perpetual & ecstatic dance of the Dolphins has captivated Humanity since the beginning of recorded history & probably through pre-historic times. The Dolphins ... the killing of Dolphins ... killing. Can we be humble enough to recognise that we are applying our intelligence to very destructive purposes? Do we have something to learn from the Dolphins ...
This would mean that whatever protection is offered them by the ... to swim with captive dolphins. At Dolphins Plus alone, ten dolphin calves have died since 1990. Several incidents of dolphins having caused injuries to human swimmers have occurred at Dolphins Plus. If you would ...
The "Ping" Heard 'Round the World
New England. Deaths of whales and dolphins have dropped by two-thirds on the West Coast - with 90 common dolphins dying in 1997, compared with a past average of ... a year globally. In the United States, the Marine Mammal Protection Act forbids fishermen from killing mammals in numbers considered unsustainable for a population. In some cases, government officials believed that ...
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