Results 1 - 10 from 67 for gill nets in 0.284 sec.
MMCG: Peter Howorth
California Department of Fish and Game fisheries observer program investigating the impacts of gill nets on marine mammals at the Channel Islands and along the mainland coast from Pt. Arguello ...
SoundNet - Cetaceans Fight For Survival, Against Man-Made Odds
The right whale faces collisions with cargo ships and entanglement in fishing nets as it commutes up and down the eastern U.S. coast between New England and ... Boston Harbor fishermen, scientists, and environmentalists has come up with modifications to lobster gear and gill nets to reduce the risk of entanglement. Whales may be among the first animals to feel ...
SCS: South American Fur Seal (Arctocephalus australis)
South American sea lions, claim that the fur seals are destroying their nets and stealing their catch. The income to be made from the export of male fur ... out at sea. However some interactions with salmon farms in Chile have been reported. Drift gill nets placed in the transit routes of fur seals may also contribute significantly to mortality of ...
Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies | Whale Rescue | Rescue Techniques
Generally, actively fished, fixed fishing gear like gill nets and lobster pots are anchored in a given spot and retrieved or harvested soon after ...
Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department
(Carcharhinus leucas), and saltwater crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus). When entangled in nets, this species is vulnerable to predation. · Parasites The parasites Nonacotyle pristis, Neoheterocotyle darwinensis ... , as they are caught in prawn trawlers, as well as in inshore gill nets targeting barramundi (Lates calcarifer) and threadfins (Polynemidae) in the Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia ...
U.S. Global Change Research Information Office
Examples of techniques now in use include gill nets that entrap fish more effectively, the use of ever larger purse seines, and drift nets that stretch out tens of miles from the ... be all too easily overstated. Gill nets and drift nets, for example, pose a threat to fish stocks only to the extent that the number of these nets in use may take quantities of ...
Fishing News -Index of Aticles--Great Lakes Basin Report
Lake Erie Reefs under construction Sept/Oct-97 Michigan & Clubs sue tribe over gill nets - Hybrid striped bass found in Lake Michigan August/Sept-97 Michigan Lake Trout record- Wisconsin ...
SCS: Galápagos Fur Seal (Arctocephalus galapagoensis)
There has been some mortality due to entanglement in gill nets but this problem seems to have been solved. Feral dogs that have been introduced onto ...
The Pelagic Shark Research Foundation - The Sharks of the Monterey Bay - Pelagic Sharks
CONSERVATION Blue sharks are being heavily impacted by world-wide commercial fishing. Long-lines and gill-nets have taken a gigantic toll on blue sharks over the last 20 years and really ...
The Pelagic Shark Research Foundation - Biology
... the quality of the product but when bi-pedal primates (humans) introduce huge artificial pressures (gill-nets, long-lines) the curve is ruined and sharks are at a sudden and decisive disadvantage ...
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