kill whales

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OMI's Dr. Green Talks in Berlin
B sounds whales avoid. Whales use sound for finding mates, food and ... whales decreased their vocalization rates and some gray whales changed their migration path to avoid the sounds. Some humpback whales increased the length of their songs by 27% and some whales ... obviously manifests in many ways but whether we kill whales or other humans, whether we abuse each other ...

Ocean Alliance -
International Whaling Commission allows nations to issue permits to its scientists to kill whales for research purposes. So Japan simply changed the name of what it was doing from ... Whaling' to 'Scientific Whaling' and the world now has to stand by helplessly, watching Japan kill whales for what is, as the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission has pointed out ...

2004 resolutions
REQUESTS the Working Group on Whale Killing Methods and Associated ...

NRDC: Protecting Whales from Dangerous Sonar
To protect marine life from the lethal effects of sonar, NRDC is working nationally and internationally to establish strict regulations on sonar use so that whales and other ... bends" -- the illness that can kill scuba divers who surface quickly from deep water. The clear implication is that debilitating and lethal injuries are occurring in whales exposed to sonar at sea ...

To kill a whale Interview with senior veterinarian, Jústines Olsen, on killing methods in the pilot whale hunt
Olsen: There is no formal training programme for pilot whaling in the Faroes. The driving and killing of pilot whales, although technically simple, requires ... the animal, i.e. to provide food. In pilot whaling it is not possible to kill whales instantaneously, both for technical and safety reasons. Although instantaneous death is always the ideal, ...

Error and exaggeration
For Australia and many other countries, consistent application of science-based policy and rulemaking ... provides the right of members of the IWC to kill whales for research purposes, and further states that "the killing, taking, and treating of whales in accordance with the provisions of this ...

How Can Anyone Kill a Seal?
Eating meat from whales or seals is as natural to us as eating pork, beef or ... and old folks get a special look in their eyes when news of whales arrives by word of mouth. To the peoples of the west Nordic ... to be vital for generations to come. Certainly, we do kill seals, and we do kill whales – we live off nature. This is exactly why it is ... More from this site

US Exhibiton: "Be Kind Don't Kill!" (Photos) Exhibition arranged by the US National Fish and Wildlife Service at the 1994 annual meeting of CITES
You shouldn't kill whales because they don't do anything to you. Please don't kill animals for know reason. Be kind Don't kill! We won't buy it!" Chandni Patel "Minke Whales Minke Whales ...

The Marine Mammal Center
However, some countries still kill whales for "scientific" purposes and others have illegally resumed commercial whaling. This is controversial, because the products from these whales ...

NRDC: Whales & Marine Mammals: In Brief
International Issues Green Enterprise Issues: Wildlife Animals & Birds Fish Whales & Marine Mammals Habitat Preservation In Brief ArticlesProtecting Whales from Dangerous Sonar NewsNRDC intensifies the campaign to secure precautions ... OnEarthThe U.S. Navy has developed an underwater sonar system that can literally kill marine mammals. This profile of NRDC attorney Joel Reynolds describes his work to ...

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