whales are killed

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To kill a whale Interview with senior veterinarian, Jústines Olsen, on killing methods in the pilot whale hunt
Olsen: Pilot whales are killed with special whaling knives by severing the blood supply to the brain. Unlike in land mammals, the blood supply to the brain in pilot whales is through ... within 5-10 seconds. Grindaboð: Is this the only way the whales can be killed? Olsen: Small whales such as pilot whales are killed in a variety of ways in other parts of the world today ...

Whales for Foxes from Artic Circle
The migrating grey whales are killed only a few miles from the shore, from an ... people did. Grey whales were taken in the old days by the local people, maybe fifteen a year. But only occasionally". Simply put, grey whales are not worth trouble. "Grey whales are dangerous", he explains ... More from this site

STW - Pilot Whales
The whales eat fish with the metal, which builds up in the ocean by emissions from power plants and other industrial operations. The pilot whales are killed in traditional slaughters called grindabod. The islanders drive pods of pilot whales to beaches and slit their throats. A video ...

Ocean Alliance - FAQ - Whales
Johnson WHALES Are whales still hunted? How many species of whales are there in the world? How can I identify cetaceans in the wild? Are whales still hunted? Yes. Most people assume that whales were saved sometime back in the 1980's. Sadly however, hundreds of large whales and thousands of smaller whale species such as pilot whales, dolphins and porpoises, are killed every ...

Right Whales and Fishing Gear
Entrapment differs from entanglement in that the whales are free swimming within the trap, and are not tangled in any of the gear. Five right whales ... whales are particularly at risk because of their fast rate of growth; lines can become embedded quickly, leading to constriction and infection. Other large whales such as humpbacks are ...

Whales - History
Watching Whaling and Whalers in South Australia History From hunting... Over 26,000 Southern Right Whales were killed in Australian and New Zealand waters. 1791 First whale (Sperm Whale) taken in ... materials have replaced the whale products. Despite gaining protection in 1936 Southern Right Whale stocks are still a long way from recovering. Reference and further reading: Kostoglou, P. and McCarthy, ... - Clarin Interview with Takahiro Nakamae
Those that are opposed to hunt whales are part of a culture, but they should understand that there are other ... are carrying out actions that put in risk human lives. And there are other ways to express a disagreement. Is it legal for you that 400 whales Minke are killed each year? Yes, the hunt of whales ...

Hard to Swallow
No longer is it a question of how many whales or seals are killed, or even how they are killed. Now the question is: should they be killed at all?(2) Four nations - the US, the ... themselves opposed in principle to all commercial whaling. "Our basic concern is to ensure that whales are not killed," stated New Zealand's commissioner to the International Whaling Commission (IWC).(3) US domestic ...

General Information About Pilot Whales
Whaling was discontinued in 1972 because of decimated local stocks and poor markets for the meat, which was typically sold to fur farms. Female pilot whales mature ... assemblages may also be composed of smaller, close-knit groups which are stable over time. Pilot whales are some of the noisiest whales in Newfbundland waters. Their group structure requires social communication, and ...

Nature group says humpback whales recovering, but other large sea animals suffering - Los Angeles Times
"Humpbacks and southern right whales are making a ... are struggling. There may be only 300 North Atlantic right whales along the Eastern Seaboard, Perrin said. While hunting them is illegal, many continue to be wounded or killed ... are killed each year in gill nets, the organization said. It estimated that only 150 are left in the wild. Noting the decline in hunts of whales ...

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