individual transferable quotas

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Topic Area: Individual Transferable Quotas (ITQ) in Fisheries
Topic Area: Individual Transferable Quotas (ITQ) in Fisheries Topic Area: Regulating fisheries Geographic Area: Chile Focal Question: How successful has ... of the annual global quota. The initial distribution of ITQs was to be based on individual firms’ percentage share of global catches in the previous three years. This proposal came under ...

Individual Transferable Quotas In Fisheries: Iceland
Individual Transferable Quotas In Fisheries: Iceland Topic Area: Individual Transferable Quotas (ITQ) in Fisheries Geographic Area: Iceland Focal Question: How successful has the introduction of ITQs been Sources: (1) Arnason, Ragnar, "The Icelandic Individual Transferable ... 1990, the government created a uniform system of Individual Transferable Quotas (ITQ) for all Icelandic fisheries. Before the ... More from this site

Habitat Media - interview transcript
England that there’s too many boats. What is your take on ITQ’s (Individual Transfer Quotas)? That individual transferable quotas is a way to destroy family fishing and destroy seaports up and down the ...

Habitat Media - interview transcript
These are known, generally speaking, as quota systems, individual fishing quotas, individual transferable quotas, depending on the regime. What a quota share promise or commitment does for ... way that prevents aggregation? A lot of the fear of quota regimes, such as Individual Transferable Quotas, ITQs, and the like, is that the entities with money will buy up ... More from this site

Saving Ocean Fisheries
Individual Transferable Quotas that fishermen can trade or sell. Experts suggest creating common property rights in fisheries, controlled ...

Conservation A Guide to Understanding and Restoring Global Aquatic Biodiversity and Fishery Resources Fish Futures Individual Transferable Quotas in Fisheries Freshwater Fishes of North-Eastern Australia From Abundance to Scarcity A History of ...

Use of the Revised Management Plan for Whale and Fisheries Management
Presumably these estimates will be refined if and when actual stock quotas are to be set. If data on multispecies or multistock interactions or interactions of the ... with policies that vest fishers in the future of the stocks they harvest, such a Individual Transferable Quotas (ITQ) the CLA approach can foster long term harvest and marketing strategies which will lend ...

Mixed blessings
Stumbos, University of California-Davis In 1986, New Zealand's Labor government introduced an individual transferable quota system to manage fisheries within its huge exclusive economic zone, one of the ... Calif.-based fisherman Tommy Ancona also worries about the fate of independents, but he believes individual transferable quotas will work for his trawl fleet. "I'm a proponent of ITQs," he says. " ...

PERC - The Property and Environment Research Center: Overcoming Hurdles to IFQs in U.S. Fisheries
Individual fishing quotas (IFQs), also called individual transferable quotas (ITQs), have proven effective in restoring health and sanity ini a host ... . The key issues are: 1. whether an effective ystem can include both IFQs and individual processor quotas (IPQs); 2. what restrictions if any, to place on transferring IFQs; and 3. ...

fisheries resource paper
(Dewees 1998).  Furthermore, quotas sometimes rely on ambiguous data and indirectly lead to the exploitation of non-quota species.  The individual transferable quota (ITQ) is a potential solution that attempts to address these issues by assigning yearly tradeable catch quotas to individual fishers.  This reduces the ...

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