incentives and subsidies

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Train municipal coordinators to understand the recycling process, not just fill out papers. Eliminate virgin materials subsidies, look for appropriate incentives and subsidies for recycled materials. Create a forum for ongoing collaboration in envisioning and guiding whole-system ...

TEACH: Urban Sprawl in the Great Lakes Region
Today, subsidies from the federal and state governments, such as for highway construction and commercial development, continue to promote sprawl and ...

UNEP/GRID-Arendal - Publications - In Dead Water - Impact of Unsustainable Fishing Practices on Sea Bed and Ocean Productivity
Modern technology, such as remote sensing, sonar and Global Positioning Systems, together with incentives and subsidies, has brought deep-water and high sea areas and ... intensively and for months at a time across the World's oceans. Often these distant water fishing fleets are fuelled and kept afloat (literally) by subsidies and incentives, ...

The John Muir Trust Long Term Strategy
Incentives and Subsidies Land management decision making in the UK, and especially in the more remote and economically fragile areas, is driven to a significant extent by the availability or otherwise of publicly funded fiscal incentives and subsidies ...

Debate about addiction to oil and gas -
Clingendael Institute of Strategic Studies), Professor Jan-Willem Velthuijsen (Environmental and Empirical Economics, partner PriceWaterhouseCoopers) and Mr. Ronald Blom (CEO ENECO Holding B.V., one of ... use of solar and wind energy, governments must keep supplying subsidies. The only reason that commercial entities are currently building offshore wind farms is the additional incentives provided ...

Restoring the family farm to economic and environmental sustainability (2002)
Solutions to many of these problems are available. But they cost money, and as things stand, farmers don't have sufficient incentives to spend that money ... viable without subsidies and without threatening our health and that of the environment. Legal exemptions and subsidies, common across the country, are abominations. No farm should have the right to pollute, and no ...

NPG Forum: Sustainability, Part III- Climate, Population and UNCED +5 by Lindsey Grant
It would be a more ... children born and the number of children desired remains a powerful and logical policy priority." (paragraph 39) Good advice. Unfortunately, it did not make an important corollary point: leadership, incentives and ...

Royal Commission responds to Sustainable Food and Farming Consultation
Reconsideration of the nature of public policy support for the countryside, and subsidies for ... farm activities, and the profound changes occurring in the rural economy. Protection and enhancement of the rural environment must now be a more conscious affair, requiring both regulation and intelligent incentives, with ...

WELL - Resource Centre Network for Water, Sanitation and Environmental Health
NSPs may have about such engagement: Formal recognition and engagement offers NSPs security in operation and ... and sanitation for the urban poor, Water Utilities Partnership for Capacity Building, Coted’Ivoire. __________________________________________________________________ 1 Output-Based Aid (OBA) uses explicit performance-based subsidies ...

PERC - The Property and Environment Research Center: What is FME
Private property rights encourage stewardship of resources. Market incentives spur individuals to improve environmental quality. Government control and subsidies often degrade the environment. Polluters should be liable for the harm they cause to others. FME has allowed PERC to view problems through a different lens, and ...

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