hormone function

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Results 1 - 10 from 49 for hormone function in 0.265 sec.

COPA - PCBs and Superfund in Bloomington, Indiana
Initial experiments indicated that napthalene and phenanthrene were not capable of altering neutrophil function. Recent studies indicate that exposure of neutrophils to PCBs can alter the ... These results suggest that PCBs may not only directly affect neurotransmitter function, but may also alter steroid hormone function during development. (P42 ES04913 - Seegal) Immunotoxicologic Responses of Dogs ...

Our Stolen Future: Brominated flame retardants disrupt thyroid function
These retardants are present. They are powerful. And their impact could be profound. What ... the natural hormone are thought to be riskier than those that don't (all other things being equal), because if present they are more likely to interfere with natural hormone function. In ...

Our Stolen Future: PBDEs are developmental neurotoxicants in mice
PBDEs are developmental neurotoxicants and is consistent with earlier findings that they interfere with thyroid hormone function. Ericksson et al.'s results also indicate that the neurotoxicity of different BDE congeners will ... More from this site

Our Stolen Future: Thyroid hormone disruption
(T4), a human thyroid hormone. They conduct competitive binding experiments to measure the potency of brominated flame retardants to intefere with thyroid hormone function. Their results "indicate that ... other regions. Brucker-Davis, F. 1998. Effects of environmental synthetic chemicals on thyroid function. Thyroid 8:827-855. In an ambitious review of the literature from laboratory ...

IISG - Aquaculture Projects
The technology is also valuable for basic studies of gene function and hormone action during fish development and growth. To develop this technology, we are working to ...

Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department
There are typically two types of growth rings, wide opaque rings usually representing summer ...

IISG - Press Releases
Controlling fertility in aquaculture ... the development of new drugs,” said Collodi. “We are doing very basic research into gene function during embryonic development, which may offer insight into developmental abnormalities and help pinpoint which genes ...

Lead, Ageing and Death - English version
Studies have also found that Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) had a negative effect on blood lead levels, where women using HRT ... ; Links, JM; & Todd, AC, "Past adult lead exposure is associated with longitudinal decline in cognitive function" [LID: 4838] - schwartz .pdf - 4/5 ...

Why hazardous substances may appear in genetically engineered food
A promoter gene has the function of enhancing the activity of the genes associated with it. ... other example of suppression is the case of a bovine growth hormone that was maintained to be identical with its natural counterpart. But it was disclosed that the amino acid lysine in the hormone unexpectedly had been replaced by the amino acid epsilon-N-acetyllysine ...

Our Stolen Future: Disruption of hormone systems other than estrogen
They are essential for brain development because they regulate the proliferation and differentiation of neuronal cells in the fetal brain. Research on the disruption of the thyroid hormone ... protein metabolism. These adrenal hormones regulate immune, circulatory and renal function. Additionally, glucocorticoids influence growth (including weight regulation), development, bone ...

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