thyroid hormones

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Results 1 - 10 from 27 for thyroid hormones in 0.248 sec.

Our Stolen Future: Endocrine disruption of thyroid hormones
The study found no significant correlation with PCB and thyroxine, which accounts for 90% of the thyroid hormones. ... examine the role of thyroid hormones on normal brain development, and the impact of thyroid hormone abnormalities on the fetal brain. The critical period for thyroid hormones in brain development ...

Our Stolen Future: A list of endocrine-disrupting compounds
Thyroid Porter et al. 1993 Mirex Antiandrogenic activity; inhibits production of LH. Potentially thyroid. Chen et al. 1986 Chernoff et al. 1976 Nitrofen Thyroid Structural similarities to the thyroid hormones; nitrofen or its metabolite may have thyroid hormone activities. ...

Our Stolen Future: New science on basic mechanisms
As research continues to mount about the range of ... More from this site

Toxic chemicals used as flame retardants are rapidly building up in the bodies of people and wildlife around the world
Hooper, a scientist at Cal/EPA's Hazardous Materials Laboratory. PBDE's mimic thyroid hormones, which regulate the growth of a baby's neurological system. Because of that, if ... 's director of toxicology, said "there is no questions" that the chemicals are altering thyroid hormones. Altering thyroid hormones during fetal development "can affect how the brain functions," she said. Also, Eriksson ...

USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center Staff Profile
Tomasi. 2001. Effects of pre- and post-natal polychlorinated biphenyl exposure on metabolic rate and thyroid hormones of white-footed mice. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 20(8); 1704-1708. French, John B ...

Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse | US EPA
Because iodide is an essential component of thyroid hormones, perchlorate disrupts how the thyroid functions. In adults, the thyroid helps to regulate the metabolism. In children, the thyroid ...

The Human Brain - Proteins
Low blood levels of tyrosine are associated with an underactive thyroid gland. (Extreme thyroid deficiency causes severe mental retardation known as ... 50,000 different proteins it needs to function – including neurotransmitters and chromosomes, hormones and enzymes. Dietary proteins fall into two groups. Complete proteins contain ample amounts ...

Iodine (I) - Chemical properties, Health and Environmental effects
Humans that eat little to no bread can experience iodine shortages. The function of the thyroid gland ... Iodine 131 increases the risk of cancer and possibly other diseases of the thyroid and those caused by thyroid hormonal deficiency. Environmental effects of iodine Iodine in air can combine with ...

Index: T3: Merck Manual Home Edition
Go T3 T3 (triiodothyronine) see Thyroid hormones t3 t4 ta tb tc te th ti tl tm to tr tu tw ty ...

Our Stolen Future: Thyroid hormone disruption
The study found no significant correlation with PCB and thyroxine, which accounts for 90% of the thyroid hormones. ... examine the role of thyroid hormones on normal brain development, and the impact of thyroid hormone abnormalities on the fetal brain. The critical period for thyroid hormones in brain development ...

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