Results 1 - 10 from 14 for horizontal stems that grow in 0.560 sec.
APHIS Raleigh Plant Protection Center
Noxious Weed Inspection System). Propagule: Any part of a plant that will produce another plant; variously seeds, stems, roots, rhizomes, stolons, bulbs, turions, corms, pips, etc. Puberulent: Minutely pubescent. ... Stipule: One of a pair of foliar appendages at the base of a petiole. Stolon: Horizontal stems that grow over the surface of the ground, developing new plantlets at the tips; as in ...
First American Vocabulary
Rhizome: horizontal stems that grow at or below the ground’s surface and produce new shoots and roots at the nodes Root: the usually underground part of a seed plant body that functions as ... the grains or ripened ovules of plants used for sowing or as food Stolon (Runner): horizontal stems that grow over the ground surface, developing new plantlets at the tips Three Sisters: the three crops ...
The roots are white, cord-like, and brittle. Horizontal creeping ... carbohydrate reserves stored in the roots. Allow the plant to grow for about ten days, or until it's about 6 ... and Agriculture's summarized information about bindweed, the agency concluded that even when chemicals are used, control of this tenacious plant ...
Acacia seyal
Nigerians used sapling stems, or also the roots for spear shafts. Tree also yields a gum of good quality, inferior to that of A. ... , white to greenish-yellow or orange-red; sparsely branched, the branches horizontal or ascending; young branchlets with sparse hairs or almost glabrous, ... along water courses. Requires a heavy clay-alluvium, but will grow on stony ground at base of hills. Grows at 20–2 ...
New Page 1
Looks like small bunches of grapes; forms mats up to 4 cm thick. Habitat: C. racemosa forms intertwined mats in tidepools and on reef flats. Horizontal ... salicornia's three dimensional growth form allows it to grow over the top of other benthic organisms (native ... leaf-like blades with mid rib and flattened stems. Gas bladders (small round hollow beads) attached to stalks ...
Mountain beaver (Aplodontia rufa) control and management
These exits may be horizontal or even vertical. Burrows are often found under old logs ... to 15-cm) diameter stems (Fig. 7). Girdling damage can be distinguished from that caused by bears or porcupines in that mountain beavers ... will protect most conifer seedlings. Most are effective until the seedlings grow taller than the tube height. The relatively small (1-to ...
Desert Grassland
Cacti are one of ... The many, usually unbranched stems that arise from ground level readily distinguish an organpipe cactus from a saguaro. The stems also are thinner, and have ... 5 feet (1-1.5 m) tall with densely-packed horizontal side branches on the upper foot (30 cm) or so. Older ...
Be Woods Wise - Woodlands Glossary
Usually consists of stems, branches, bark, etc., that cannot be marketed in any other way. Chipped and used ... members to maintain or increase numbers. epicormic branching - branches that grow out of the main stem of a hardwood tree ... the rise or fall in ground level over 100 feet of horizontal distance, expressed as a percentage. grade log - the designation ...
Be Woods Wise: Woodlands Glossary
Usually consists of stems, branches, bark, etc., that cannot be marketed in any other way. Chipped and used ... members to maintain or increase numbers. epicormic branching - branches that grow out of the main stem of a hardwood tree ... the rise or fall in ground level over 100 feet of horizontal distance, expressed as a percentage. grade log - the designation ...
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NHSC - Glossaries
Riparian Vegetation Plants that grow rooted in the water table of a nearby ... that eat plant remains and break them down into smaller pieces. Group of herbivores and detritivores that chew large organic particles. The herbivorous shredders bite the leaves, petioles, and stems ... of change in vertical elevation per unit of horizontal distance of the water surface of a ...