highlands and islands

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Results 1 - 10 from 115 for highlands and islands in 0.376 sec.

Renewable and Alternative Energy in the Scottish Highlands and Islands
Highlands and Islands boast extensive wind, wave and tidal energy regimes, and substantial forestry ripe for biomass processing. There is a desire to build a diverse renewable energy sector in the Highlands and Islands ...

Support for Companies in the Highlands and Islands
Highlands and Islands Business Directory Company Profiles Industry Groups Locating in The Highlands & Islands Opportunities for Local Businesses Support for Companies in the Highlands and Islands Job Vacancies and ... More from this site

Restoration Round-up (Do or Die)
Highly sophisticated land-forming and regulation of water levels over 70 acres is creating a mosaic of wetland habitats: lakes and lagoons, reedbed and carr, grazing marsh, mudflats, and islands, "topped with ... process and replace those that have been lost".(84) The soil restoration and other work has also helped to "illustrate how the carrying capacity of the West Highlands and Islands can ...

No Evolution Without Revolution (Do or Die)
'West Highland Survey' of the late 1940s, he observed that "the Highlands and Islands are largely a devastated terrain, and ... any policy which ignores this fact cannot hope to achieve a rehabilitation".[ ... historic blow which we have struck for people on the land right throughout the Highlands and Islands" he said. The spirit behind such thinking is already being translated into action - albeit ... More from this site

ForestHarvest - Business Directory
Ingredients for the food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and chemical industries based on plant species indigenous to the Highlands and Islands. Jane Wilkinson Jane combines fine basketry techniques with the practicalities of hurdle making to produce outdoor woven structures which are both beautiful and functional; also basketry and ...

The Hawk Conservancy Trust - The Birds
Scottish Highlands and islands, after many years' absence) and Steller's Sea Eagles, the only pair in England. Owls There are more than 200 different species of owls in the world and one of ... : +44 (0) 1264 773772. Email Click here for open dates and times, ticket prices and directions and a map showing our location . All data, images etc. owned by the author ...

Living Technologies Ltd: Examples of UK Systems
Findhorn. Half of the funding for the project was provided by the European Regional Development Fund, under the Highlands and Islands Objective 1 Programme (1994-1999). Funds have also been provided in grants and donations from Gaia Villages Trust, Denmark; The ...

SCS: Rescue and Rehabilitation
Mike Brinkler. Rehabilitates wildlife from the Highlands and Islands region of Scotland, including up to 12 harbour and grey seals each year. Gives talks to local schools. S: Highlands and Islands ...

Travelling to Aberdeen University: by Air
Luton), Manchester, Newcastle, Belfast, Birmingham, Bristol and Norwich, as well as the Scottish Highlands and Islands. Major continental destinations include Amsterdam, Copenhagen and Stavanger. Typical fares Fares vary considerably depending on when you travel and ...

Genetic Engineering - Legal Briefs and Legislation
Dominique Soulier 22 November 2001, Montpellier, France Dr. Mae-Wan Ho 3rd December 2001 ISIS Consultation to the Highlands and Islands Council Evidence on GM Crops Presented to the Highlands and Islands ... info Food Futures Now: *Organic *Sustainable *Fossil Fuel Free How organic agriculture and localised food (and energy) systems can potentially compensate for all greenhouse gas emissions due ...

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