Results 1 - 10 from 50 for grain stocks in 0.282 sec.
Eco-Economy Indicators: GRAIN HARVEST - Earth Policy Institute Resources on Food and Agriculture
World carryover stocks of grain, the amount in the bin when the next harvest begins, are the most basic measure of food security. Whenever stocks drop ... Grain Production Per Person, 1950-2006 (figure and table) Figure 3: World Grain Production and Consumption, 1960-2006 (figure and table) Figure 4: World Grain Stocks, 1960-2006 (figure and table) Figure 5: World Grain Stocks ...
Eco-Economy Indicators: GRAIN HARVEST - Data
Grain Production Per Person, 1950-2006 (figure and table) Figure 3: World Grain Production and Consumption, 1960-2006 (figure and table) Figure 4: World Grain Stocks, 1960-2006 (figure and table) Figure 5: World Grain Stocks ... database,, updated 12 June 2006. World Grain Consumption and Stocks, 1960-2006 Year Consumption Stocks Million Metric Tons Million Metric Tons Days of ...
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IEA Statements
Europe's energy companies from transmission networks Speculation on "Gas OPEC" Stocks and Iran Biofuels The recent shortage in grain stocks and surge in food prices have triggered questions about the sustainable ... is simply more efficient. Cartels distort behavior and do not strengthen security of supply. Stocks and Iran IEA member countries have a legal obligation to hold emergency oil reserves ...
Resource Candidate SDI
Element Characteristic: Amount of Mineral Reserves Renewable Resources Definition: Changes in the stocks or productive capacities of renewable resource reserves Candidate SDI: Natural Resource Industries ( ... Element Characteristic: Amount of Nutrients Soil Structure (393 SDI Group) Definition: Soil structure (grain size, compaction, etc.) organized by location (e.g., iso-contours across the United ...
Argument - Impact of Water Resource Problems
Figure 1 and Table 1). Flooding certainly contributes to fluctuations in China's grain production and thus threatenes a stable food supply of the population. However, natural ... (see the chapter on intervention possibilities). Increased emergency buffer stocks for grain and improved food logistics, including a more flexible grain import policy, can greatly reduce the impact of flood-related ...
Chart - China's Maize Balance: Supply & Utilization, 1961-1996
China. Most of the maize is used as feed grain. In 1996 the farmers produced almost 130 million tons; together with imports and extraction from stocks the country ... feed animals. Obviously, the authorities had realized that it was essential to step-up feed grain production, because otherwise the farmers would feed valuable rice to their animals. Utilization (in %) This ...
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That is a dangerous gamble when several stocks are at immediate risk of extinction." For more information about the Snake River, visit their ... October, American Rivers further reported that an investment in highway and rail infrastructure would keep grain transportation rates affordable if the four lower Snake River dams are removed, citing a former ...
The Oil Crash and You - Auto-Free Times No. 18
Putting food production closer to cities will be vital, feeding animals questionable. Percentage of US grain used to feed cattle: 70%. Efficiency: The meat feeds 1/5 as many people as ... smog and global warming. Why public warning is so late with misleading reports of actual stocks of oil: (a): By firstly understating discoveries, and then later overstating discoveries, oil companies have ...
Emergency Management Postings
Livestock prices continue to be far lower than average, while grain prices in ... spread of waterborne diseases. WFP will release pre-positioned food stocks for use by CARE for Food for Work repair activities along ... . WFP has prepared for the relocation by increasing the buffer stocks in the region. See Complex Emergencies 17 May 2003 (WFP) ...
EcoFuture (TM) Population and Sustainability - Is There a Population Problem?
Food Grain The Worldwatch Institute reports that global annual per capita production of grain dropped from 346 kilograms ... this growth has proven him wrong. Since the late 1980s grain production has leveled off, so the continuing growth of ... world's major fisheries, with stocks of fish once thought to be unlimited. Now, these fish stocks are apparently almost gone. Fresh ...
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