Results 1 - 10 from 174 for metric tons in 0.777 sec.
Columbia Plateau Clean Cities Coalition
The transportation sector emitted 1,819 million metric tons of carbon dioxide in 1999, an increase of 14.9 percent since 1990. Three-quarters ...
ECO-PROS Human Impact on Oceans
Species List as endangered worldwide. (see our Endangered Species page) Of the approximately 7 billion tons of litter that enters the world's oceans each year, about 60 percent is of ... of the U.N., indiscriminate fishing practices kill and waste between 18 and 40 million metric tons of "unwanted" fish, seabirds, sea turtles, marine mammals, and other ocean life annually - fully one ...
Proposed 1997 SDI
This includes both urban and agricultural land. Materials Use per Capita (429): Total metric tons of materials in use divided by total population organized by type, including recycled Outdoor Recreation ...
Office of International Affairs - International Agreements
Pacific Ocean (ETP) with purse seine vessels greater than 400 short tons (362.8 metric tons) carrying capacity to have an affirmative finding in order to export yellowfin tuna and ... the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean (ETP) with purse seine vessels greater than 400 short tons (362.8 metric tons) carrying capacity to have an affirmative finding in order to export yellowfin tuna and ...
Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies | Humpback Whales | Introduction
Instead, their massive bodies, up to 15 m (50 feet) and 40 metric tons (45 tons), are designed for tight turns and maneuverability. One of the most obvious characteristics of humpbacks ...
Anheuser-Busch: Brewing a Better Environment | Resource Conservation Challenge (RCC) Newsroom | US EPA
(WARM), we calculated that their 2004 efforts reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 1.67 million Metric Tons of Carbon Equivalent, which is equal to the annual emission from 1.3 million cars ...
U.S. Global Change Research Information Office
U.S. tons per year--or 80 million metric tons, the unit we shall use here (Fig. 1). This is somewhat lower than in 1989, when production reached an all-time peak of about 86 million tons ... a constant, although a potential sustainable yield of about 100 million metric tons per year is often cited, amounting to an increase of ...
Declaration of Indiana
Great Lakes, more than 7.7 billion short tons of commodities have transited the American Soo Locks ... tons valued at more than $8 billion. For the St. Lawrence Seaway, including the Canadian Welland Canal, the tonnage total since its opening in 1959 is more than 1.3 billion metric tons ... 57 metric tons were reported. While there have been year-to-year fluctuations, the 36.5 million metric tons in ...
Maritime in the Great Lakes Region
Since 1959, more than 2 billion metric tons of cargo estimated at $300 billion have moved to and from Canada, the United States ...
Metric Conversion Charts
MASS oz lb ounces pounds short tons (2000 lb) 28 0.45 0.9 grams kilograms metric ton g kg t VOLUME tsp Tbsp in3 ... Degrees subtract 32, multiply by 5/9 Celsius Degrees C Approximate Conversions from Metric Measures Symbol When you Know Multiply by To Find Symbol LENGTH mm cm ... mi2 MASS g kg t grams kilograms metric ton (1,000 kg) 0.035 2.2 1.1 ounces pounds short tons oz lb VOLUME mL mL L ...
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