frequent fires

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Results 1 - 10 from 114 for frequent fires in 0.290 sec.

Neotropical Grasslands: Habitat, Plants and Animals
Savannas – Open areas where grasses dominate and where seasonal droughts and frequent fires are normal ecological factors. Savannas may include trees and shrubs, but not in a ... G. (eds) (1993) Fire and the environment: the ecological, atmospheric, and climatic importance of vegetation fires. Chichester: John Wiley. Furley, P.A., Proctor, J. and Ratter, J.A. (eds) (1992) ...

NMPIF Shrublands 3
Rufous-crowned Sparrow (NM PIF) Associated Species ... stage shrub development on grassy slopes (especially south-facing slopes) Assumption: relatively frequent fires on slopes in these areas may promote habitat Green-tailed Towhee (Dobbs et ...

Wildfire History and Ecology on the Colorado Plateau
Colorado Plateau. Frequent fires maintened an open forest structure in the region's middle-elevation forests, prevented ... in far less frequent fires, disrupting the natural cycles of the region's forests and resulting in many damaging ecological effects. Forests with historically frequent, low-intensity fires were those ...

Reintroduction of Fire to Forest Ecosystems on the Colorado Plateau
These frequent fires maintained an open forest structure in the ponderosa pine forests, and prevented tree ... grazing in the Southwest has significantly decreased the incidence of low-intensity natural surface fires, while the number of catastrophic wildfires in the region's forests has increased dramatically ... More from this site

ETFRN NEWS 43/44: Forests and conflicts
In addition, the forests have suffered from frequent fires due to the armed conflicts. The largest zone where these forest fires occur is located directly along the militarized line-of- ... and mismanagement of water resources have created environmental problems such as soil erosion and frequent the flash floods. The violent nature of conflicts and the political instability have also ...

The origin of the tiger.
The stripes strongly indicate tigers originated from areas of tall grasslands and forests where frequent fires probably occurred. At this time in history Siberia did not have those conditions. The Asian ...

Principles of ecology -
Indeed, ecological dynamics in these forests have been shifted towards less frequent, high intensity large fires instead of more frequent, low intensity small fires ...

Pitcher's Thistle ESA
THREATS Cirsium pitcheri is apparently able to withstand occasional, but not frequent, disturbances (USFWS 1987). Habitat destruction through ATV use, human trampling (WI NHP 1990, ... that C. pitcheri, by evolving with frequent fires on the sand dunes along the Great Lakes, responds favorably to such events. In fact, these fires may be significant in the maintenance ...

RANGE - New Hope
Cheatgrass dominates over nine million acres of Nevada, and is a major contributor to conflagrations ...

Aussie Deserts Created By Ancient Fires
Discussions Features 26 January 2005 Aussie Deserts Created By Ancient Fires by Kate Melville Ancient hunters and gatherers may have triggered the failure of the annual ... time. Natural fires resulting from summer lightning strikes have played an integral part in the ecology of Australia's interior, and many plant species are adapted to regimes of frequent fires. "But the ...

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