fuel loads

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The House of Representatives passed H.R. 1904, the ... to 20 times natural levels, thus creating the potential for catastrophic fires supported by heavy fuel loads. The American Forests organization advocates the thinning of hazardous fuels in the urban/wildland ...

Global Forest Science - Press Release - Drought, fires ahead for much of the West this summer
Lincoln National Forest. That is, aggressive thinning in fire-suppressed ponderosa pine forests has reduced fuel loads. Once upon a time, fast surface fires burned about every seven years in these forests ... adopted a forward-thinking approach for its urban forests. Removing beetle-killed trees and reducing fuel loads, and at the same time maintaining the integrity of the native vegetation, has been a ...

SAF - Policy and Press: Position Statements - Wildfire Management
The SAF therefore recommends a comprehensive approach using restoration-based fuel reduction treatments, thus effectively combining goals two and three of the National Fire ... fire frequency and intensity. Serious and potentially permanent ecological deterioration is possible where fuel loads exceed historical conditions. In many areas it is impracticable to reintroduce fire into ...

Wildfire History and Ecology on the Colorado Plateau
Initially, fire suppression was very successful because of low fuel loadings; but without fires to consume them, large fuel loads have accumulated over time. The continuing threat of fire led ... acreage has decreased significantly. Establishment of young trees in older stands has provided a fuel ladder for carrying fires into the canopy. With more stand-replacing fires, average stand ...

Ponderosa Pine Fire Ecology on the Colorado Plateau
This yearly amount is dependent on local factors such as weather and fuel loads on the forest floor. However, beginning in 1992 the amount of acres burned between ... other land management agencies are concerned that more fires might be dangerous, catastrophic fires until fuel loads are reduced below the critical threshold. Extensive tree-thinning projects and prescribed burning are ... More from this site

Welcome to Environmental Review - Archives - 2004
When a forest fire starts in such high fuel loads it will burn hot enough to kill both young and old trees and long enough ... begun to reintroduce fire or allow natural fires to run through their forests to reduce fuel loads and restore ecological functions. The recent fire that burned 47,000 acres in and around ...

Kettle Range Conservation Group
Lehmkuhl et al. (1995) and Huff et al. (1995) reported a positive correlation between fuel loadings, predicted flame lengths and logging. They attributed the increased fire hazard in managed ... 1996). Such treatments may reduce fuel loads, but they also allow more solar radiation and wind to reach the forest floor. The net effect is usually reduced fuel moisture and increased flammability ( ...

Letters and Articles on Forest Issues - 7/9/97 onwards (number 71 -> )
This hysteria has led to exceptionally high fuel loads that result in intense and uncontrollable fires that alter forest structure. These changes compound the ... fire to manage fire. They instigated frequent low-intensity fires in cooler seasons that reduced fuel but preserved and enhanced moist zones such as rainforest that are natural fire buffers and ...

Principles of ecology -
In addition, these smaller trees provided a staircase by which ... to their previous fire regimes of small frequent fires because of the fuel loads that have built up. Indeed, ecological dynamics in these forests have ... as an excuse to log large trees in the name of fuel load reduction on both public and private land. Logging the large ...

NREL: Advanced Vehicles and Fuels Research - Ancillary Loads Reduction
Ancillary Loads Reduction More Search Options Site Map NREL's Vehicle Ancillary Loads research supports the U.S. Department of Energy's Vehicle Technologies Program. Reducing fuel consumption by air conditioning systems is the focus of the Vehicle Ancillary Loads ...

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