fines and penalties

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Results 1 - 10 from 101 for fines and penalties in 0.326 sec.

The Florida Panther Society, Inc.
It also establishes requirements for restoring viable populations of endangered animals and plants. Copies available from U.S. Fish and ... on recovery efforts, the participation of additional park and refuge areas, and the changing land-use picture in South Florida. ...

Regulatory information for businesses
Based on King County Code 10.08.100, the Solid Waste Division has the authority to impose fines and penalties for violations of regulations. Back to top Seattle Solid Waste Seattle Municipal Code 21.36.025 prohibits HHW and SQG hazardous wastes from being ...

Naturenet: Wild Birds and the Law
Sale of dead wild birds Exhibition of wild birds Killing and taking wild birds Birds in captivity Attempting to commit an offence Egg collections Licences Falconry Fines and penalties Schedules (lists of birds) Definition of a wild bird The definition of a 'wild bird' in Section 27 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 ...

Negative Population Growth
Any employer that continues to knowingly employ illegal aliens should be assessed heavy fines and penalties." Congressman Ander Crenshaw (R, FL) "First and ...

The Queensland Government robbing and bullying motorists
The regime of increased fines and penalties for speeding, introduced for the first time by the State Government at Easter last year, levelled automatic six-month bans and $700 fines ...

Smugglers beware!
Violations of IRS regulations can result in civil fines and penalties, and/or criminal prosecution resulting in ... and is regularly sharing information with other Government agencies. - The IRS has reviewed over 3,000 CFC excise tax-related returns and has assessed over $100 million in unpaid taxes and penalties ...

Fish and Wildlife - Environment - Province of British Columbia
Penner. “We are also increasing maximum fines and penalties for poaching to up to $250,000 and two years ... Act include increased penalties for those who choose to flaunt the regulations,” said Patti MacAhonic, executive director of the B.C. Wildlife Federation. “Stiffening the fines and penalties will act ...

California Coastal Commission: Commissioners and Alternates Roster
Coastal Commission decisions must be made on the basis of information available to all commissioners and the public. Therefore, copies of ... is to protect due process and fairness in the Commission's decision-making process. Failure to follow them could lead to fines, revocation of permits and substantial costs. If you have ...

Washington State Department of Ecology: Litter Fines
The Litter Task Force recommended that the Legislature and Ecology encourage Washington State Patrol and local governments to enforce litter laws. It also recommended that local penalties ...

Noise: Environmental: Statutory Nuisance - Fines & Appeals
Nuisance - Fines & Appeals site search members area home directory ProInfo noise vibration contact Noise > Environmental > Statutory/Noise Nuisance 4 Fines and Appeals Penalties for Non-Compliance It is an offence to contravene the requirements of the notice "without reasonable excuse" and the penalties are currently a ...

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