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Smugglers beware!
CFCs. There should now be absolutely no confusion that all imported CFCs are taxed equally, whether they are new, used, recycled or reclaimed. Buyers should reject any offer to buy new or imported CFCs ... jail. Illegal imports of CFCs accounted for the first-ever conviction for a violation of the Clean Air Act. - Some half a million kilograms of illegally imported CFCs have been impounded by ...
New Rules Project - Environment - U.S. Domestic Phaseout of CFCs
The IRS then taxes imported goods based on the average consumption of ozone depleting chemicals used in the manufacture of ...
WTO - Case studies
Republican Party and the Republican-dominated Congress prepared legislation to impose tariffs on goods imported from the EU as punishment for refusing to comply with the WTO's ruling. ... 1990. The list of chemicals for which trade liberalization will be sought includes tetraethyl lead, CFCs, HCFCs, vinyl-chloride, chlorinated solvents, DDT and countless other pesticides.[3] Canada, the world' ...
ECEE - Chile Market Assessment Summary
Chilean industries are increasingly interested in energy-efficient motors, all of which are imported. Chilean industry prefers US motors, making this an excellent growth opportunity for US manufacturers ... the next 3 years. The government has also committed to the phase-out of CFCs under the Montreal Protocol. In sum, high residential electricity prices, Chilean consumers' increasing buying ...
ECEE - Chile Market Assessment 10. Refrigerators
Chile (11 cents per kWh in Santiago). Domestic refrigerators are less energy-efficient than imported models. Seven of the ten least energy-efficient refrigerators sold in Chile are manufactured locally ... 0.86 watts/liter (24W/ft3). Large imported refrigerators consume the least electricity per liter.52 Chile has committed to the phase-out of CFCs under the Montreal Protocol. The country will ...
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The ozone layer, depletion and uv radiation
Ozone-depleting gases Raw material import of CFCs (tons of Ozone Depletion Potential). Source: SFT, Norwegian State Pollution Control Agency.The Ozone ... Source: SFTMost of the CFCs imported to Norway are eventually emitted into the atmosphere. A minor part is degraded and some is recycled. Imports of CFCs, halon and carbontetrachloride to Norway ...
Public Meeting Transcript: April 21, 2006
| Ozone Depletion - Regulatory Programs | U.S. EPA
Albuterol MDIs has arisen as a result of the loss of these imported MDIs. Armstrong, at this point, appears to be the only CFC ... have been allocated for 2006 to replace the loss of those imported MDIs. Issues for HFA MDIs that prevent them from capturing more ... own small amount and Armstrong, Armstrong formerly being part of Andrx. Total CFCs for--CFC units in 2002 were 40 million, 46.5 million ...
REACH Regulation
December 2010 Registration deadline for phase-in substances manufactured or imported 1,000 tonnes + per annum; CMRs categories 1 and 2 over 1 tpa and R50 ...  76-14-2  SF6  Sulphur hexafluoride   2551-62-4 Note: CFCs are used for feedstock and regulated essential uses. Updated: July 2008  © European Fluorocarbons ...