extended periods

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Results 1 - 10 from 248 for extended periods in 0.238 sec.

Coral Reefs
That means they occur over such long periods of time that they are often not noticed within several human lifetimes. The gradual nature ... in mean global temperatures. When ocean water temperature reaches 32 degrees Celsius or greater for extended periods of time, coral lose their algae. The corals' white calcium carbonate skeleton is exposed. They ...

October 4, 2001: Worsening Water Shortages Threaten China's Food Security
Huai-are excessive, leading them to run dry during the dry season, sometimes for extended periods of time. The flow of the Yellow River into Shandong Province-the last of the ...

The Green Lane: Acid rain - What's being done? What can you do?
Turn off the hot water tank when going away for extended periods of time. Install additional insulation on the hot water tank and pipes. Insulate and draft ...

Science and the Environment Bulletin: Breaking the Ice About Sassats
How are these pollutants created? If you watch wood burn, you will see ... More from this site

Environmental Assessments of Nuclear Power Generation
What impacts are expected from the operation of large-scale nuclear power plants for extended periods of up to 60 years? The United States now depends on nuclear power for about ... , utilities have expressed an interest in extending the life of many of these plants for periods up to 20 years. New environmental and safety issues related to relicensing have been raised ...

The Regional Impacts of Climate Change
Lake Tanganyika (the world's second-deepest lake), and Lake Malawi were closed basins for extended periods in the Pleistocene and Holocene epochs (Owen et al., 1990). Lakes Malawi and Tanganyika ... losses, especially if rainfall also declined. Minor declines in mean annual rainfall (10-20%) for extended periods would lead to the closure of these basins even if temperatures were unchanged (Bootsma ...

Gunderboom, Inc. | In partnership with seventy percent of the Earth
Screen (TYPE I) Light duty silt control curtain that's typically used for shorter periods of time. Applications include protected areas such as marinas and lakes where water flow ... Screen (TYPE III) Heavy duty curtain that withstands wind, tides, waves, weathering and currents for extended periods of time. These curtains are suited for dredging, marine construction intakes, bridges and pipelines. ...

Prevent Fish Kills in Lakes and Ponds
At night and during periods of low light, vegetation actually competes with fish for oxygen. Decomposing vegetation also requires ... fish. Studies show that summer oxygen levels are usually lowest just before sunrise and after extended periods of cloudy weather. Ponds and small lakes are vulnerable to summer fish kills when ...

The UK Groundwater Forum
Pumping large volumes of groundwater near to a stream may affect its flow ...

International Lake Environment Committee
Their storage capacity ensures they contain large volumes of water for extended periods, serving as a sink for the natural minerals and sediments draining into them, as well ...

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