low oxygen

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Results 1 - 10 from 476 for low oxygen in 0.257 sec.

Prevent Fish Kills in Lakes and Ponds
LOW OXYGEN - SUMMER Like most creatures, fish require oxygen to live. The amount of oxygen in a body of water will vary with water ... the first to die when oxygen concentrations become too low. Desirable fish species, such as grass carp, bass, channel catfish and bluegill, are more susceptible to low oxygen levels than bullheads, carp ...

IF&W Outlaws Commercial Harvest of Snapping Turtles
John Rogers, the most knowledgeable turtle harvester in Maine, testified that the turtle population is low here because the habitat is not as productive as that in other states. He no ... in which the creatures are killed. Kynast said that "harvest . . . involves extreme cruelty since the low oxygen requirements of the turtle’s brain result in full awareness for hours or possibly days ...

Specialized Services - Diesel Emissions Laboratory at CANMET-MMSL
Engine emissions performance development including: ECU tuning, turbocharger matching, sensor development, low oxygen engine operation studies, fuel additives and add-on device evaluations. Emissions control device evaluations through ...

Weekly News
Shad are very sensitive to rotenone, but a low concentration of the chemical has little or no effect on other ... , invasive mussels (zebra and Quagga) and the invasive round goby. The algae establish anaerobic or low oxygen conditions in which the botulism bacterium -- found in the bottom sediments of the Great Lakes ...

Cod die-off may be due to oxygen depletion
Debbie MacKenzie What’s new? See earlier report on this story, posted April 7/03. See observations that support the hypoxia (low oxygen) hypothesis The week of ... . Implications Scientists should be (and probably are) measuring both the concentration of chlorophyll and the oxygen content of seawater at various points in the water column at Smith Sound. (However, no ...

Areas with Depleted Oxygen
Natural processes and human pollution can cause serious reductions in dissolved oxygen. Both anoxia (no oxygen) and hypoxia (very low oxygen) are ... activity (as bacteria decompose the algae); this increased activity can deplete available oxygen. Low oxygen levels generally affect bottom waters first and most severely. See the chlorophyll indicator ...

Oxygen (O) and water
Oxygen atoms can be found in a number of toxic organic and inorganic compounds. Toxic compounds are for example hyper oxides and peroxides. Some substances are toxic under low oxygen conditions in water, because breathing of organisms increases and consequently substances are absorbed more rapidly. For obligatory anaerobic organisms, high oxygen concentrations are toxic. ...

June 16, 2004: Dead Zones Increasing in World's Coastal Waters
Since the 1960s, the number of dead zones has doubled each decade. Many are seasonal, but some of the low-oxygen areas persist ... and are digested by microorganisms. This process removes oxygen from the bottom water and creates low-oxygen, or hypoxic, zones. Most sea life cannot survive in low-oxygen conditions. Fish and other creatures that can ...

oxygen transfer technology
North American market. Aeration system operations rely on oxygen transfer technology as a key operating variable. The low bid approach has left many operations with smaller, less expensive, but yet inherently inefficient aeration systems. In search of cost-effective oxygen transfer technology, ...

Oxygen Demand Test
The rich diversity of life on a healthy river is then reduced to a low diversity (but sometimes high volume) of pollution tolerant organisms. There are two ways that humans inadvertently drive up biological oxygen demand. First, too much organic ...

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