dominant male

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Preliminary study of the behavior and ecology of axis deer on Maui, Hawaii
In general, herd stability of axis deer is poor; marked individuals, both male and female, have been observed to change associations frequently, sometimes daily (Schaller 1967; Fuchs 1977 ... been a predator/prey response or an agonistic interaction between young males and perhaps a dominant male. It began with the alertness of individuals in a "bachelor" group that grew to a ...

The Jane Goodall Institute
And some individuals travel together more often than others - such as siblings and pairs of male friends. Contact is maintained between members of the scattered groups by means of the distance ... dominant male of the group may show possessive behavior toward her, trying to prevent other males from mating with her. A third observed mating pattern is the consortship, during which a male persuades ...

Black-Capped Chickadee (Poecile atricapillus)
American Beech tree snag, making a perfectly round entrance hole. Both male and female excavate the hole and carry away the wood chips to prevent detection of ... hatching. The male helps feed them before they fledge. After fledging, the juveniles eventually disperse and each will join other juveniles and older birds in hierarchical flocks comprising a dominant male and female ...

Black-Capped Chickadee (Poecile atricapillus)
American Beech tree snag, making a perfectly round entrance hole. Both male and female excavate the hole and carry away the wood chips to prevent detection of ... hatching. The male helps feed them before they fledge. After fledging, the juveniles eventually disperse and each will join other juveniles and older birds in hierarchical flocks comprising a dominant male and female ... More from this site

Project Primate, Inc.
The males of the community have a linear hierarchy; the most dominant being know as the alpha male. Females also have a dominance hierarchy, though it is generally much more ... may use the opportunity to "practice." Sometimes a dominant male may keep a female to himself and attempt to fend off the others. A male may even sense a female's approach to ...

Q and A's about Gray Wolf Biology
The wolf pack is an extended family unit that includes a dominant male and female, referred to as the alpha pair. In each pack, the alpha animals are ... living mate will find another mate. 14) What happens to a pack when the alpha male or female is killed? In the Yellowstone wolf study, which is a study of a ...

Lowland Gorilla
They live in highly developed social groups led by a dominant male. This mature male is called the silverback for the grayish fur on its back. The group includes ...

all about gorillas
Each group is led by a dominant male gorilla. The dominant silverback protects his group and leads in the search for ... trying to get a baby gorilla often have to kill the dominant silverback and mother first. The death of one animal also has an effect on many others. In particular, when the dominant silverback of a family group dies or is killed by disease, ...

CWAF | Mefou national park | Baboons & Red capped mangabeys
Male Baboons are double the size and weight of females. where ... dominant over females. The winner gains dominance and access to food, water and a mate. Males will often join forces to defeat a third more dominant male ... subgroups to look for food. They do not form all-male groups, but solitary males have been observed. Gestation in red ...

The Florida Panther Society, Inc.
Big Cypress area on 1/20/87. Weighed 142 lbs. and inhabited ranch land in norther Collier and southern Hendry counties. He was a resident (dominant) male ...

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