dominant silverback

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all about gorillas
Each group is led by a dominant male gorilla. The dominant silverback protects his group and leads in the search for food. In most monkey populations ... gorilla often have to kill the dominant silverback and mother first. The death of one animal also has an effect on many others. In particular, when the dominant silverback of a family group dies ...

A conservation triumph: The Mountain Gorillas of Rwanda
The mountain gorillas live in stable family groups with a dominant silverback male, his harem of females, and their offspring. The silverback male is usually the father of the offspring, although the younger males will take an opportunity to mate with a female if the silverback is not looking. They are not ferocious creatures but are, on the contrary, very peaceful ...

Mountain Gorilla, Article by Adrian Warren - page 1 of 6
... silvery grey hairs on his back and is called a "silverback" - in a group of gorillas, a silverback is usually the sole dominant member and living with him are several females, infants, juveniles ... ' social structure where the breeding in any one group is almost exclusively by a single silverback male, periodic movement of females between groups is essential to ensure genetic variety and to ...

Lowland Gorilla
They live in highly developed social groups led by a dominant male. This mature male is called the silverback for the grayish fur on its back. The group includes several ...