Results 1 - 10 from 53 for depleted uranium in 0.569 sec.
Ecotecture | Major Doug Rokke interview | Depleted Uranium Munitions
The thing called depleted uranium is kind of a confusing term. There’s nothing really depleted about it. ROKKE: Yeah, they more than likely contain uranium. The thing called depleted uranium is kind of a confusing term. There’s nothing really depleted about it ...
Ecotecture | Major Doug Rokke interview | Depleted Uranium Munitions
Major Doug Rokke interview | Depleted Uranium Munitions If you like ECOTECTURE, please tell your friends about us. . . and ask them to subscribe! Depleted Uranium: Here, There and Everywhere Major Doug Rokke ... from the use of depleted uranium? ROKKE: The United States Army Common Task Training Manual that all soldiers must comply with, and again it’s the depleted uranium task, requires all ...
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Depleted Uranium | Depleted Uranium
| New Internationalist
Depleted Uranium | Depleted Uranium | New Internationalist NEW INTERNATIONALIST Search the NI Website Advanced search | Mega Index Contact NI Site ... Reed's blistering testimony. Depleted Uranium -- the facts The facts on depleted uranium Who's the real criminal? John LaForge squares up to the largest DU munitions manufacturer in the US. Depleted uranium -- Action Including Building ...
Fungi Enlisted To Clean-Up Depleted Uranium
While the fungi grow, they produce acidic substances, which corrode the depleted uranium even further. Some of the substances produced include organic acids that convert the uranium ...
Venie Holmgren: Iraq
FLASH Hundreds of United States soldiers stricken by mysterious illness Where are you Bob Dylan? depleted uranium blowin' in the wind? three OIL Fear stalks the destroyed land its faces multitudinous Liberators ...
Yggdrasil Institute: Uranium Enrichment Project
... uranium into two products, enriched uranium with a higher percentage of uranium 235 than natural uranium and depleted uranium (also known as "tails"), with a lower percentage of uranium 235 than natural uranium ...
Yggdrasil: Uranium Enrichment Project Newsletter
Uranium Enrichment Project Newsletter Search: Uranium Enrichment Newsletter The Uranium Enrichment Newsletter, an electronic monthly, summarized events in the US uranium enrichment establishment from December 1999 ... for harmed workers and residents, the US-Russian High Enriched Uranium Agreement, and disposal of depleted uranium and contaminated scrap metal. 1999 DECEMBER 2000 JANUARY FEBRUARY ...
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Friends of the Earth: Belgische Coalitie STOP URANIUM WAPENS!
Depleted Uranium Munitions in Afghanistan (45k, .pdf) Wet Uraniumwapens (Staatsblad) (45k, .pdf) Dossier Uraniumwapens (1.9MB, .pdf) Depleted Uranium and ... Depleted Uranium (2MB, .pdf) Gezondheidseffecten van verarmd uranium (4MB, .ppt) Country Reports, European Countries Presented to the ICBUW conference, August 2006 (80k, .pdf) The Belgian political landscape regarding the ban on uranium ...
Friends of the Earth: La Coalition Belge Halte aux armes à Uranium !
Uranium Saviez-vous que Dexia investit dans des armes à l’uranium? Dexia continue à investir dans les armes à l’uranium (90k, .pdf) Science Compendium Compendium of scientific research on depleted uranium ... over verarmd uranium en NAVO (5/6/01) ICBUW International Coalition For A Ban on Uranium Weapons Friends of the Earth Working Group Indigenous Peoples' Issues: Depleted Uranium Guaraní Indians ...
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Uranium in teeth
Is that true? If this was done in the past, when did they stop using this material? How much uranium do they add? A Uranium was used in porcelain dentures to ... oxide and uranium oxide or as sodium uranate. The uranium composed from 0.008 to 0.1% by weight uranium ...
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