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EcoFuture (TM) Population and Sustainability - Scientists Say Future is in the Balance
About 0.5 hectares (1.2 acres) of cropland per person is required to provide a diverse diet similar to that desired by the average ... population. In contrast, worldwide, only 0.27 ha of cropland per person remains for food production. Since land is a finite resource, available cropland per person will continue to decline, both worldwide and in the ...
Population Action International : How Population Growth Affects Hunger in the Developing World
Currently, 465 million people live in countries with less than .07 hectare of cropland per person – the minimum cropland capable of supplying a vegetarian diet for one person ...
March 9, 2005: Learning from China: Why the Western Economic Model Will Not Work for the World
China one day reaches the current U.S. level? And, closely related, how long will it take for China’s annual income per person of $5 ... data.) Given the limited potential for further raising the productivity of the world’s existing cropland, producing an additional 1 billion tons of grain for consumption in China would require converting ...
January 23, 2003: Population Growth Leading to Land Hunger
The scarcity of arable cropland in sub-Saharan Africa helps to explain the region's declining production per person in recent decades. Nigeria, ...
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SBN Feature Article: June 1998
Along with ... tons in 1950 to 211 million tons in 1997, raising consumption per person from 17 to 36 kilograms. The enormous growth in human ... least 200 million hectares of forest - an area larger than the cropland area of the United States. Among the more disturbing developments ...
GEO-2000: Chapter One: Global Perspectives - The key drivers
A significant proportion of those resources is imported from developing countries (Adriaanse and others 1997). In 1995, the high-income countries, home to 20 per ... cropland has now fallen by some 25 per cent over two decades, from 0.32 hectares per ...
Stephen Budiansky
In the past two generations, the amount of cropland cultivated per person in America has fallen by half, even as Americans eat better and export more. According ...
Eating Fossil Fuels
Eating Fossil Fuels Dale Allen Pfeiffer* October 2003 The Green Revolution Fossil Fuel Costs Soil, Cropland and Water US Consumption Population & Sustainability Three Choices Author's Note Endnotes [ Note: This ... declining fossil fuel production. US Consumption In the United States, each person consumes an average of 2,175 pounds of food per person per year. This provides the U.S. consumer with an ...
OPT — Towards Sustainable and Optimum Populations
[F4] . The green curve, therefore, represents the relationship between ... result in corn stover becoming a useful material, and so increase the biocapacity of maize cropland). The biocapacity of an area is calculated by multiplying the actual physical area by ...
Optimum Population Trust: Glossary
Divided into equal shares (i.e. divided by world population) it was 5 - 6 hectares per person in 1900 and decreased to 1.5 hectares per person by 2000 ... of 5.35 global hectares per person, while Bulgaria's footprint is only 1.84 gha per person. The total footprint is made up of five constituent footprints: for cropland, grazing land, forest, fishing grounds ...
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