Results 1 - 10 from 234 for consumption per person in 0.341 sec.
March 9, 2005: Learning from China: Why the Western Economic Model Will Not Work for the World
What if consumption per person of these resources in China one day reaches the current U.S. level? And, closely related, how long will it take for China’s annual income per person of $5 ... per person in 2040.) For this exercise we will assume an 8 percent annual economic growth rate. If the Chinese consume resources in 2031 as voraciously as Americans do now, grain consumption per person there ...
Climate Change Blog: October 2006 Monthly Archives
But if the world does nothing, it could cut global consumption per person by between five and 20 per cent. He suggested rich nations take responsibility for emissions cuts of 60-80 per cent from 1990 levels by 2050 ...
SBN Feature Article: June 1998
Although this means increased pressure on natural resources in terms of consumption, rising income is also correlated with access to education, fewer children, and greater concern ... has climbed from 44 million tons in 1950 to 211 million tons in 1997, raising consumption per person from 17 to 36 kilograms. The enormous growth in human numbers and economic activity has ...
Freshwater: extremes, too little, too much, floods in Peru, squeezing our planet dry
In Beijing, water consumption increased almost 100 times from 1950 to 1980. With limited amounts of water, unevenly distributed ... average water consumption per person in different parts of our world. The average North American is using more than eight times as much as an average African uses. in cubic metres per person World average ... - Finland Facts & News: January 2002
The most significant savings potential is in fuel consumption, which can be best decreased with economical driving habits ... in driving schools in Finland. EcoDriving reduces the average driverÂs fuel consumption by 1.3 litre per 100 km (10-16 %). In Finland, more than 200,000 driving school students ...
ESSP CLP - Principles and Practices in Sustainable Development for the Engineering and Built Environment Professions Unit1 Lecture 3
Those additional cars would produce more CO2 per ... services consumed per person (i.e.: for economists the annual Gross National Product per capita.) T1 = Negative Environmental impact per unit of product/service consumed T2 = Positive Environmental impact per unit ...
Carbon sequestration: Carbon dioxide research goes underground ...
Table - Food Calorie Consumption: China, Japan, Korea, MDC, USA
Table - Food Calorie Consumption: China, Japan, Korea, MDC, USA IIASA Title Page Foreword Introduction Arguments Data FAQ In-depth ... Food Calorie Supply in the USA, MDCs, South Korea, Japan, and China, 1994-96 kcal per Person per Day kcal in % of total USA MDCs S.Korea Japan China USA MDCs S.Korea ...
Chart - Food Calories Available for Human Consumption, 1961 - 1996
Available for Human Consumption, 1961 - 1996 IIASA Title Page Foreword Introduction Arguments Data FAQ In- ... Diet Change Food Calories Available for Human Consumption in China by Commodity, 1961-1996 ( see: data) In kcal per person per day In percent of total calorie supply ... calorie supply in China increased from 1,642 to 2,844 kcal per person per day. Most of this increase in food energy came from a ...
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Optimum Population Trust: FAQS - 2
According to the formula I= PAT, environmental Impact is the product of Population, Affluence (consumption) per person and Technology. The challenge is to reduce A. Some people have greater faith than we ... its dependency on imports of raw materials (excluding the extra demand caused by higher per capita material consumption). If the population of the USA had stabilised in 1945 at a total ...
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