catastrophic fires

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Results 1 - 10 from 79 for catastrophic fires in 0.264 sec.

March 5, 2002: Our Closest Relatives Are Disappearing
The Borneo orangutan, after suffering from logging, hunting, and the catastrophic fires of 1997, is not likely to survive beyond 2010 if current trends continue. Our closest ...

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WiNR: Our nation’s forests and public lands are at risk from threats such as catastrophic fires, insect infestation, and long periods of drought that have left fuel loads that are ... Forests have tree densities 10 to 20 times natural levels, thus creating the potential for catastrophic fires supported by heavy fuel loads. The American Forests organization advocates the thinning of hazardous fuels ...

U.S. Global Change Research Information Office
Florida, have become costly hazards because of water loss through increased transpiration, increased fires, and blocked vision? The problem is so severe that the Florida Department of ... . Another major form of habitat destruction occurs when fire-prone introduced plants foster catastrophic fires that eliminate native communities of plants and animals. The staggering economic implications of ...

NMPIF Forests 3
Ponderosa/Oak forest (H. Schwartz pers. com.). In the case of catastrophic fires, some matter is necessary to stop the erosion process and allow regeneration of soil. One ... the importance of fire in ponderosa pine forest. The differences between stand-replacing fires and cool, low-intensity fires need to be conveyed to the public. Table 2. Ponderosa Pine Forest Priority ...

NMPIF Forests 5
Disturbances include timber harvesting, especially in the early part of the twentieth century, and catastrophic fires. Early logging often removed only old-growth forest. Fire suppression began with the ... i.e. crown fires in some places and ground fires elsewhere. However, as fuel levels rise, the possibility of catastrophic fire increases. Other sources claim that stand-replacing fires burn through ... More from this site

Exxon Valdez: Lasting Lessons
Political Economy Research Center in Bozeman, Montana. The Exxon Valdez spill came soon after the catastrophic fires here in Yellowstone Park. Nature is recovering nicely in both places. But back then, scary ...

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In the wake of public opinion turning towards taking action in ...

Ecology Hall of Fame: Aldo Leopold Letter
June concluded that salvage logging "increases susceptibility to catastrophic fires and insect outbreaks." Congress should reject Sen. Craig's poorly conceived bill that pretends to ...

Ponderosa Pine Fire Ecology on the Colorado Plateau
Fires in many of today's ponderosa pine forests are no longer low-intensity ground fires but rather catastrophic, stand-replacing crown fires. From about 1910 ... United States Forest Service and other land management agencies are concerned that more fires might be dangerous, catastrophic fires until fuel loads are reduced below the critical threshold. Extensive tree- ...

Cities and conservation in the world's five Mediterranean-type regions
Public policies and education in these places are often based ...

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