carnassial teeth

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Results 1 - 4 from 4 for carnassial teeth in 0.144 sec.

Thylacoleo - Introducing Thylacoleo carnifex (page 1)
Carnivora. The molar teeth are ... little function. Owen (1871) asserted that in the living carnivores the relative enlargement of the carnassial teeth was a good indicator of the ferocity of the species. On that basis, Thylacoleo must ...

Thylacoleo - Discovering Thylacoleo (page 2)
Colongulac. The alveoli of the maxillary's pre-carnassial teeth were all present and the canine itself was still in position. Owen then determined ... was no longer present. Only two small alveoli lay between this tooth and the mandibular carnassial. Based upon this pictorial information, Owen presumed that the thylacoleonid taxonomic relationship lay with ... More from this site

Predator Conservation Trust: African Lion information : Panthera Leo
Being a carnivore (meat eater) the Lion is equipped with sharp carnassial teeth (pre-molars and molars) for slicing and chewing meat and ... of Africa. TEETH A Lion's age can be estimated by examining its teeth. Lions have 30 teeth, including four large pointed teeth (the ... to bite through flesh and reasonably large bones, they have no teeth suitable for chewing, so the lion will swallow its food ...

Carnivore Preservation Trust - About CPT - FAQs
Carnivora. Members of this order all possess a specific set of teeth called the carnassial pair. These teeth are modified for shearing meat and tendon. 5. How big is the Carnivore ...

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