Results 1 - 2 from 2 for premaxillary maxillary suture in 0.107 sec.
Thylacoleo - The Classification of Thylacoleonids
T. carnifex, however, upon isolated teeth and had obviously reversed I3/. b) The premaxillary-maxillary suture traversed the alveolus for the canine tooth in T. carnifex but was said to meet ... were deeper at the posterior end. d) The T. carnifex palate was narrower across the premaxillary area and 6 mm greater in length anteroposteriorly that that seen in T. oweni. e ...
Thylacoleo - Discovering Thylacoleo (page 2)
However, the premaxillary-maxillary suture was not well defined and ... McCoy provided a comprehensive description of the path of the premaxillary-maxillary suture in new fossil specimens from Lake Colongulac. The suture was demonstrated to approach the alveolus of I3/ but then ...
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