canine teeth

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2007 IUCN Red List – 2006 Photo Gallery
The primary threats to the species are hunting for meat and ivory (found in the canine teeth) and habitat loss. Illegal or unregulated hunting of common hippos is particularly high in areas ...

all about gorillas
Gorillas are known to make over twenty-five distinct sounds. Some of these areas follows ... - save, protect, preserve wilderness and rainforest for free!
Hippos can be bought for around $50, and hippo canine teeth often end up as part of the illegal ivory trade," the WWF said in a ...

Ferret News #40 - Children and Ferrets
She finds it ...

GrungyApe - Pan Paniscus
Males are larger and stronger than females, with bigger canine teeth which are used in severe fights. In wild, a chimpanzee weighs approximately 34-70kg for ...

Livestock and predation identification page
(Young 1958). Canine teeth marks will also help distinguish a lion kill from that of ... removed and dragged away from the carcass. On small lambs, the upper canine teeth may penetrate the top of the neck or the skull. Calf predation ... by seizing the victim in the flanks. Slash marks made by the canine teeth may be found on the rear legs and flanks. The downed ...

Walrus - Arctic Mammal - The Walrus
United States. Their tusks are huge, long curving canine teeth, and both male and female walrus have tusks. Walrus eat snails, crabs and shrimp and ... that you can tell how old he is by the number of rings on his teeth. Just like a tree grows rings, so does a walrus. If his tooth was to ...

Detailed information on the characteristics of the tiger: Teeth and Tongue
The baby teeth ... teeth to turn a tiger into a man-eater. In one case, a post-mortem examination revealed a tigress with two broken canine teeth ... Taxonomy | Whiskers | Hearing & Ear Spots | Eyesight | Smell | Teeth | Communication | Flehman | Genetics | Life Span | Streaking | Claws, Paws & Pug Marks | ...

Man-eaters. The tiger and lion, attacks on humans.
Loss of teeth. This is a prime reason for cats starting to seek out easier ... of loose teeth does not a man-eater make. In one case, a post-mortem examination revealed a tigress with two broken canine teeth (only about ... jaws pictured on this page are those of a man-eater. Teeth like this make catching and holding prey extremely difficult. (Continued Page 2) ... More from this site

Keeping Marsupials : Keeping and Breeding Marsupials in Captivity, Maintaining Injured and Orphaned Wildlife in Captivity, Animal Husbandry, Australian Marsupials, Australian Mammals, Marsupial Conservation
There are limiting factors to their longevity – namely the canine teeth are worn down to the gums, which severely limits their ability to kill and feed ...

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