california gull

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PRBO Conservation Science: Ecology of California Gulls, Mono Lake
California Gulls (Larus californicus) at Mono Lake in response to water diversions of the lake's tributary streams by the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power. Focal Species: California Gull Habitat Type: Nesting islands and open waters of hypersaline Mono Lake Partners: California State Tufa Reserve, Cornell University, Hubbs Sea- ...

Southeastern Arizona Bird Observatory - Checklist of the Birds of Sonora and Northwestern Mexico
Mexico (excluding Baja California) This checklist covers the entire state of Sonora and adjacent areas of the Gulf of California (Sea of Cortez), ... Gull Franklin's Gull Bonaparte's Gull Heermann's Gull Ring-billed Gull California Gull Herring Gull Thayer's Gull Lesser Black-backed Gull Yellow-footed Gull Western Gull Glaucous-winged Gull Glaucous Gull Black-legged Kittiwake Sabine's Gull Gull ...

Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, Mexico Christmas Bird Counts
Gull 8325 2178 3123 4173 1673 1153 3285 Mew Gull cw Ring-billed Gull 684 1741 2731 2299 2173 1634 899 California Gull 6040 745 2164 2063 8351 585 2531 Herring Gull 469 269 470 827 1201 920 415 Thayer's Gull ... More from this site

Environmental Education at Mono Lake and in L.A.
City of Los Angeles were destroying a unique ecosystem. Before 1978, few people in California had ever heard of Mono Lake, yet millions of people in Los Angeles were ... Committee offers a Field Seminar series. Birds, geology, wildflowers, photography, Native American culture and basketweaving, California gull research, and even kayaking represent just a few of the weekend seminars that take place ...

Birds at Mono Lake
California and you see a California Gull, there’s a high probability it was born at Mono Lake. By late spring anywhere from 44,000 to 65,000 California Gulls arrive to breed on Mono’s lesser-known islands. Mono Lake is home to the second largest California Gull ... nesting grounds. Click here to read an article on the California Gull. AN INCREDIBLE JOURNEY Of all the birds that come ... More from this site

RIDOLFI Inc. - Commencement Bay Post-Restoration Monitoring Program, WA
Brewer's blackbird brown-headed cowbird bufflehead bushtit California gull Canada goose Caspian tern cedar waxwing chestnut-backed chickadee cliff swallow common ... double-crested cormorant downy woodpecker European starling fox sparrow gadwall glaucous gull glaucous-winged gull golden-crowned kinglet golden-crowned sparrow graylag goose great blue heron ...

Birds in Kansas
Gull - Larus pipixcan Little Gull - Larus minutus *Black-headed Gull - Larus ridibundus Bonaparte's Gull - Larus philadelphia *Mew Gull - Larus canus Ring-billed Gull - Larus delawarensis California Gull - Larus californicus Herring Gull - Larus argentatus Thayer's Gull - Larus thayeri *Iceland Gull ...

Bird-watching: Utah Bird-watching Sites @
Night-Heron, White-faced Ibis, several species of duck, Northern Harrier, Ring-necked Pheasant, California Gull, Forster’s and Black Terns, Horned Lark, Marsh Wren, an d Savannah and Song Sparrows ...

USGS National Wildlife Health Center - Publications - Quarterly Reports
Eyraud Lakes 07/25/07-08/06/07 Ring-Billed Gull, California Gull 35 (e) Botulism type C NW MT Multiple Counties ... NWR 07/18/07-08/20/07 Franklin's Gull, Ring-Billed Gull, Mallard, Eared Grebe, Wood duck 61 (e) Botulism ... Gull, Mew Gull, California Gull 30 (e) Emaciation: Starvation suspect NW WI Little Lake Butte Des Morts 07/18/07-08/15/07 Mallard, American White Pelican, Wood duck, Ring-Billed Gull ...

Herring Gull copyright photograph by David Lingard
Oregon, USA. I was hoping that I might have found a gull which was new to me but after consulting the field ... Gull. I posted it as such with the proviso: "Unless any American viewer can tell me differently that is..." I have been helped by Don Roberson of Monterey, California, who patiently explained why it is a Western Gull, ...

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