Results 1 - 10 from 644 for summer and fall in 0.310 sec.
National Rivers: Rivers of Alaska, Montana whitewater, Montana
paddling, Montana canoeing, Montana kayaking, Montana rafting, Montana
fly-fishing, Montana river conservation and river access.
Game Commission on two of the most popular fishing rivers -- the Big Hole and the Beaverhead -- from May through September. Other rules include creating a Citizens' Day on summer and fall Saturdays, when only Montana residents may fish, and opening pheasant season a week earlier and ...
Northern Canada | Projects | Appreciative Inquiry and Community Development | IISDnet
At the end of each round of interviews, the visions and values shared by community members were identified. Six community workshops were held in Skownan, during which community values and ...
Environmental Education at Mono Lake and in L.A.
California gull research, and even kayaking represent just a few of the weekend seminars that take place within the Mono Basin throughout the summer and fall. Seminars offer the chance for participants to delve beyond the basic understanding of Mono Basin natural history. Field Seminars are a hands-on approach to learning. Native Americans, professionals, and ...
Coastal and Pelagic Birds of Long Island
Gull (Larus atricilla) - a common breeding bird in Long Island's southwestern coast and a common summer and fall visitant. Bonaparte's Gull (Larus philadelphia) - a common winter visitant to Long Island ... and on the south side of Montauk. Also seen during spring and fall migration. Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica) - a common breeding bird, often seen along the south shore during the summer. During fall ...
US Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Migratory Bird Management,
Caribbean, Mexico, Central and South America, and in a few cases, to southern portions of the United States. During spring, summer and fall migration shorebirds visit specific stopover locations to rest and to replenish ...
Belding's California and Rock Ground Squirrels management and control
The California ground squirrel feeds extensively on the leaves, stems, and seeds of a wide variety of forage grasses and forbs, depending on the ... before all the squirrels are killed and bait consumption ceases. Caching of bait does occur, especially with California ground squirrels, and is more prevalent in the late summer and fall of the year. Apply ...
Badger damage control and management
Badgers breed in summer and early fall, but have delayed implantation, with active gestation beginning around February. Some yearling females ... dikes and irrigation canals, resulting in flooding and the loss of irrigation water. Diggings on the shoulders of roads can lead to erosion and the collapse of road surfaces. In late summer and fall, ...
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Fishing the Blue Ridge and Shenandoah National Park
In the spring, summer, and fall, a small crankbait, 1/16oz jig, 2" weighted streamers, wolly worms, or poppers will result in constant hookups with a variety of sunfish and black basses. Fish the ...
SCWP Objectives and Conservation | Kulykol Lake | Kazakhstan
To complement the protected area status and permanent guards, a comprehensive education and ...
What's happening this summer - Outside - The Straw House Blog
Outside By Glen Hunter on April 23, 2005 11:02 AM | Permalink Did I mention that it's going to be a busy summer? Last fall Dad and I logged a bunch of cedar trees from the west and south ... summer is the barn. The original barn collapsed a couple of decades ago, and we've pulled a great deal of the lumber, and farm machinery, and cow bones, and old straw, and ...
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