RhinosThe Rhino consists of five species (two African and three Asian). The African species are the white and black rhinos. Both species have two horns and live in Africa, south of the Sahara. The Asian rhinos are the Indian and the Javan (each with one horn) and the Sumatran (with two horns). These live in south central Asia. The white rhino is the second largest land mammal next to the elephant. The five species range in weight from 340 to 3630 kg and are between 1.4 to 1.9 metres tall. A combination of habitat loss and hunting, has reduced rhino numbers significantly in the past 30 years. From around 500.000 rhinos, only 18.000 are left. The result is, that all of the five rhino species are extremely endangered. Humans have hunted rhinos extensively, because nearly all parts of the animal have been used in folk medicine. The most prized part of the rhino is its horn, which has been used as an aphrodisiac, fever-reducing drug, dagger handle, and as a potion for detecting poison. Rhinos rank among the most endangered species in the world.
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Habitat loss and hunting are the biggest threats for the elephant. Hunting happens because of their ivory tusks.
Living area rhinosThe living area of the Black rhinos. |