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The elephant molar teeth
Elephant molars Molar from african elephant African elephant molars The african elephant (Loxodonta africana) : Is more adapted to a browsing diet, feeding mainly on branches ... Asian elephant molars The asian elephant (Elephas maximus) : Is more adapted to a grass diet has molars with parallel ridges. can have more than 20 ridges per molar. Dentition ...
Saola Stamps
The Saola's teeth indicate it probably subsists on a browsing diet. Villagers report the Saola eats leaves from fig trees and other bushes found along riverbanks ...
Preliminary study of the behavior and ecology of axis deer on Maui,
Graf & Nichols (1966) noted Molokai/Lanai deer grazed when grass was green and abundant; browsing occurred when grass was scarce or when browse was particularly palatable or accessible. In ... less than 90 sec. Mineral licks were also utilized periodically, where deer supplemented their diet with added phosphate, calcium, and perhaps other minerals (Schaller 1967). The mean defecation rate ...
John Muir & I
I went and got my cameras, as did the ... in that tree- bordered "Muir Den" as he said he always did. His ideas about diet, shoes, and general approach to the wilderness had seemed a bit radical when we had ...
Permaculture,- from the Save The Environment Homepage from
March to the ... wide range of permaculture topics and resources and is divided into four sections for easy browsing. Also has subscription information for Permaculture Magazine and a catalogue of available books, videos, and ...
Mind your mites - they need our care
The resulting monotonous diet makes for an unhealthy soil population. In addition, dessication, flooding, fire, compaction from heavy machinery ... other small arthropods wander around in the air spaces (up to their knees in water) browsing on fungi, nematodes and one another. · Earthworms, slugs, snails and some insects and other larger ...
Howletts Zoo
Howletts. Most zoos settle upon a scientifically formulated diet for each species - often a dull form of ‘cattle cakeâ ... feeding with variety and quality. The gorillas at Howletts have a diet that consists of more than 150 different things, including the ... and an infant bull. They look magnificent, and are usually seen browsing their way through a mountain of branches. For several years they ...
Atkinson: The Upper and Lower Amoor
Though Atkinson does not mention it, other travelers in that time and place say the diet of these nomads was very simple. In the spring and summer, their main food was ... days before. In some parts there was most luxuriant grass, on which the sheep were browsing, in other places we rode through steppe grass reaching to our saddle flaps. Having travelled ...
Mount Diablo Interpretive Association - Pliocene Park
Mastodon, an early type called Gomphotherium, as they feed along the stream, browsing on the river bank shrubs, and ingesting the large amounts of water-plants that they ... Columbian Mammoth with crisscrossed tusks and their huge sets of teeth fully adapted to a diet of Central Valley prairie grass moved from the north, edging out Gomphotherium who was unable ...
Mooseworld, Moose Diet
Algonkian term—provides an apt description of its diet... Although moose lack teeth in the front of the upper jaw ... plant material that constitutes much of their diet. They feed on fresh leaves by browsing and may even pull a shoot sideways through ... sp.),constitute a preferred and important part of the moose's diet in summer. Pictures and text copyright © 1991 by Michael W. P. ...
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